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Everything posted by dannyt

  1. Does old man football count
  2. Hi, Very late I know, but I have just caught up with the presentation given by Nancy at the 2013 NI Week and 2014 as well. Does anyone know if the example that was shown during this presentation with Rex communication to three different clients is available for download ? It look quite interesting and I would love to have a closer look.
  3. I think to much Coffee looks to have been drunk already today
  4. I do not know if you have seen https://decibel.ni.com/content/thread/8817 on the community web site, it is quite an interesting read plus http://blog.jki.net/news/niweek-2012-fire-and-forget-bulletproof-builds-using-continuous-integration-with-labview-video-slides-now-available/ JKI have a download with some example code for kicking off a build. Our main software dev teams C & C++ work on Jenkins for all our builds, but I have not done one for LabVIEW yet. One problem I have with all this is LabVIEW software licenses. Jenkins here works on a Linux box, I would need to allocate a LabVIEW build PC (windows) and put a copy of LabVIEW on that PC for no other reason the the build and I have no spare licenses. I could see how it would work well with the floating license situation, but I am on fixed seats here.
  5. Hi Norm. So messages every 0.5Sec to 1Sec are OK ?
  6. OK, well not what I was thinking then...sorry
  7. You do not say much about what your program is trying to run, but a couple of quick question are you calling any .NET functions within you executable ? does it always only start after you click the indicator is that a coincidence based on how long you wait for something to happen, get board and click the indicator ?
  8. I am downloading fine
  9. Thanks, this really great for those of us who cannot go
  10. I cannot agree with you there as you missed out the fact that the code needs to be maintainable and by maintainable I mean by any programmer of a suitable experience level, not just the person who wrote. I do not believe every node & wire should be labelled, but at least enought for somebody else to pick up the code and run with it.
  11. Only a guess here, but the there is a Volume License option for LabVIEW that uses FlexLM. I think you need to have more than 5 user to be able to purchase it. As there is only one version of LabVIEW whether you use the normal single seat License model or the Volume License model so maybe it always looks at start-up, I have never looked If you look at the NI License Manager application in the preferences there is a option to Use a Volume License server maybe that has been set on your machine
  12. What does it say the reason for wanting to save the changes are, that often gives useful info.
  13. I see this as a typical thing with LabVIEW Toolkits. It is common that thought you download and install LabVIEW Toolkit 'whatever' for LabVIEW version 'whichever', it does not mean that ALL the VI's in the said Toolkit have been saved to that specific version of LabVIEW and when you first open or use some VI's from that Toolkit you then need to save those VI when they or the VI using them are closed. This is because the VI's open have been compiled to the new LabVIEW version. Then when you move your code onto a new PC with the same toolkit you need to do it again as the VI from that toolkit on that PC also need to compile for the new version of LabVIEW. You could by habit use the mass compile tool to all newly installed toolkits or each PC or just accept the fact and save the changes, once save this should not occur again. If NI toolkits ever ship with 'separate compile code' enabled this problem would go away, or if NI mass compiled all their toolkits and then you would download a specific version of toolkit for each LabVIEW version. To be honest I just live with it, it does not bother me that much
  14. Several thing jump out looking at your VI. 1) File I/O is time expensive and the file is opened before read, read and then closed, reading the same file twice is a waste of time a lot quicker to open read once and the manipulate your data in the types you want. You can simple open read all data then, use spreadsheet string to array. 2) User event structures are not used in the way you have used it here, look at some event structure examples and read http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361H-01/lvhowto/event_struct_outside_loop/ 3) finally what data are you actually trying to plot, just trying to understand your data a little
  15. Can you save it for LabVIEW 2012
  16. As has been said on LAVA before, people here are happy to guide and help but you need to make some sort of effort yourself as a starting point. So which part of the task are you stuck on ? I would start by breaking the problem down, can you a ) read the data from your text file ? If not look in the LabVIEW examples b) can you plot simple data on a graph ? if not look in the LabVIEW examples. In fact there is an example provide by LabVIEW in the NI example finder that does basically what you need, plus several VI's on the NI LabVIEW forums which show you how to do this as well. Come back if you have a more specific question having looked at some of these.
  17. dannyt

    Cross post?

  18. I was using the NetworkInterace and Process objects. Shaun, I was feeling quite good about getting this solved, then you showed me I had just not search the web enough , thanks for the link/s everybody Now I have seen the application configuration file method to solve this I will have a play with that as I feel it is must better solution and gives me back full control and some practicability. cheers all Danny
  19. Hi, I wanted to make this post in case it helps anybody else with the same problem, or to remind myself how-to fix it when I forget in a few months time. I recently had the very embarrassing situation in front of my customer, a large EMS.I had just transferred a test solution that had been working for several months on my local site to a volume EMS, this transfer included the same PC and test fixture, the same software, written in LabVIEW 2012 and build into an executable. When I ran it up on the EMS’s site, some of my dynamically loaded VI would just hang for a time; the whole application would show not responding for a while and then it would suddenly spring into life and work OK and if loaded again they work fine with delay. But every time the executable was exited the same effect would occur. It was not the sort of impact I was hopeing to make. After some investigation I found out it only affected my VI’s that had calls to .NET components within them, I called NI support, who at that time could not suggest anything and in the end I had no option but the replace the .NET calls with other methods to achieve the same functionality. So I created a very small stand alone executable with a single .NET call in it and found it worked on all my PC’s in my local factory but not on the PC’s in the EMS. All the PC’s were running the same .NET framework. As I had no idea what was going on and at that time NI support still did not have an answer to the problem I had no option but to stop using all .NET calls with all my software, I could not risk having a similar problem going forward. Finally I realised that the one main difference between the PC’s was that my PC’s had direct access to the Internet, but the PC’s in the EMS were connected to a firewalled off Intranet. Following further conversations with NI support in the UK, with this new bit of information they came back with the following information. and then a proposed solution followed I have played around with this solution and it does solve my problems, I am not sure at this stage what the implication of these security changes are, but as the machine is not connected to the interent anyway I am not to worried. So thanks NI for the support , I am now feeling happier about moving back to .NET solutions. I hopefully this may help sombody out there.
  20. I had a similar problem, I had a long running LabVIEW executable that I noticed was typically was using over 2G's of memory on the PC after a couple of days. After spending a morning very closely looking through the code I managed track down a number of ref's I was failing to close and by closing all my references I got back down to a more reasonable memory usage that did not grow larger day by day.
  21. Thanks for the replies, I am not sure now if I will be able to get any real use out of it for my application, however I will download the trial as you suggested James and see how it goes.
  22. Hi, I have heard several times how useful the Datafinder Toolkit can be and wanted to have a play with it. These seems not a great deal of information to be found generally regarding this toolkit and even less on how to get started if using *.csv files or text files. I have played with the examples and read what I can but I do not seem to be making much progress. Does anybody have a simple example or extra info to help get me going. cheers Danny
  23. A interesting but very incomplete read. It would have been good to read the article in full. So other links on this http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1319897 Acceleration Case: Jury Finds Toyota Liable http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1319903&page_number=2 Toyota Case: Single Bit Flip That Killed
  24. Same here I would be happy to help
  25. Hi I have reported a few of these to the moderators, but like some others here I was worried of swamping the moderator's. I think at times it would be better to report a users than a specific post. I wondered if any of the moderators were outside the USA time zone ? so as to spread the load a remove users quicker before they can go some many topics in place
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