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Antoine Chalons

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Posts posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. I've complained about the lack of scripting support for the Event Structure for years. Everybody reading this thread really needs to go kudo this idea.

    Can't vote twice :(

    Wouldn't it be cool if, say for 100 kudos received on the forum (not on idea exchange) or for 20 "accepted solutions" you would get an extra vote for the idea exchange?

  2. Better late than never... Here's the link to a github rep that I called XControls, it contains :

    - the password XControl with some new features (auto-replace a new character with a * after a delay, delay is a property of the XControl)

    - a tree XControl that I found somewhere on the web and never had the time to edit

    - AQ's LED XControl example mentioned above (I used it to learn some tricks)

    - a magic ring XControl, it's a work in progress

    - other example XControls that I found on the web


  3. Hi,

    We use C:\ProgramData (and in most cases we like the fact that it is hidden) because that's what we get when we call the "Get System Dir" with "Public Application Data". That said, in the case of our application we don't want customers to play around with the config files, if you do want them to have access to it, you may want to place those config files in a folder that is not hidden.

  4. The LabVIEW community has a large number of incredibly useful tools (RCF, QuickDrop extensions, OpenG), but they're rather spread-out, difficult to find for newcomers, and not always very well mainainted. Over the past year or so, I've slowly accumulated a collection of these tools, but it'd be really difficult to explain to a new colleague where I found them all :)

    I totally agree with that!

    The issue is that some of these very useful tools are not available as VIP.

    What I do to be able to have all my LV tool on any computer I use is have a VIPC for everything that is available as a VIP and have a installer (that I built from a lvproj) that installs all the tools that are not VIPs.

    It would be cool to repackage all the tool as VIP but I'm not too sure about licence issues that it would cause.

  5. Surely* if it's a beta it should be called 2014b. ;)

    Incidentally, here's a picture of an elevator control panel from China:


    Can you spot the problem?

    Chinese people are apparently very superstitious and the sound "4" (pronounced in Chinese of course) is close to the sound for death (or dead) so you won't find many fours in China.

    One funny extent of that is that non-Chinese people leaving in China have cell phone numbers full of 4, because Chinese people refuse to have a number containing a 4.

    I also heard that on her fourth pregnancy a Chinese woman would automatically have twins, but I'm not too sure about that one...

  6. RANT ON


    I wish fortune had a ranking for "the best company to be a partner of".

    Used to have 25 licences for 1 unit of money. And now the new offer is 5 licences for 1.25 unit of money. With what in return? peanuts.

    How am I supposed to feel?

    Wander why they didn't send the new price for 25... maybe to not give me a heart attack... it's nice to think about that! thank you very much who-ever-it-is that-had-this-brilliant-idea!


    I was gonna add that this year, for the first time in about 10 years we did NOT receive any new-year's-best-wishes card from NI... but I won't add it.

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