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Everything posted by silmaril

  1. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Jan 19 2008, 04:22 PM) OK, it seems I only went 90% of the way. I will try the rest as soon as I find the time. Thanks for the pointer to your tool. I didn't try it until now, but looking at the documentation, it seems I should have done so some months ago. :thumbup:
  2. The wiki at least shows a way to have properties show up in sub menues. That's quite nice, but it's still not all the way to what NI can do. Until now, I didn't manage to create a cluster property that can be used as the complete cluster as well as it's elements. If you don't know what I mean, have a look at the position or bounds properties of any control.
  3. QUOTE(Daklu @ Jan 15 2008, 12:25 AM) On http://subversion.tigris.org/ under "Latest Release" you get to this page: http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/News...newsItemID=2007 I don't know why the URLs there are no links, but downloading them via copy-paste works fine.
  4. QUOTE(TobyD @ Jan 14 2008, 06:04 PM) It is the table with our espresso machine on it. And sometimes a good Grappa goes very well with an espresso The main reason for the billard table is simply that we need a way to decide who has to clean up the cups after our lunch espresso. Gabi1's observations about the use of Weißbier :beer: to increase productivity are quite right as well. But sometimes, even we have to do some work.
  5. QUOTE(crelf @ Jan 12 2008, 01:43 AM) Not bad! :thumbup: But then you should compare to what you can have at other places like XOn Software GmbH for example. http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_01_2008/post-7932-1200304929.jpg' target="_blank">
  6. QUOTE(NateO @ Jan 10 2008, 10:34 PM) Welcome! QUOTE(NateO @ Jan 10 2008, 10:34 PM) We're looking to build a real time data acquisition system that runs on an x86 based PC/104 single board computer. We'd like to use LabView to do the software development but I'm having a heck of a time finding any information about what would be required to make a LabView application run successfully on a PC/104 SBC. Specifically, what are my operating system options (I know VxWorks will work, but are there other RTOS's out there that will do?) and are there any minimum system requirements I need to worry about? I agree with what Rolf already said. Your next step should be contacting your local NI sales representative and discuss your application with him. He should be able to tell you what's possible and what's not. Maybe he also knows an insteresting option for alternative hardware (if you are not 100% bound to your decision already).
  7. QUOTE(Daklu @ Jan 11 2008, 07:24 PM) No! Open for delete is a change that appears in the changelist. Then you submit the change to delete it on the server. Maybe you don't want to delete it on the server, just remove it from your client? Then the option you are looking for is "Remove from client". This doesn't change the deopt at all, it only removes your local copy from your HD. QUOTE(Daklu @ Jan 11 2008, 07:24 PM) Right now it's only me using the depot installed on my laptop. I anticipate moving the depot to the same server that hosts my Labview installation files sometime in the not-too-distant future. There is an outside chance additional users (maybe 5-10) will be storing their Labview source in the depot once I do that. (In fact, we have enough key Labview tools right now that I'm going to encourage it.) In general we will not be having multiple people working on the same project, but each engineer has several projects going at any one time. The depot on the laptop is nice to test P4, but I would strongly recommend to run the P4 server on a computer in the network. Then throwing your laptop on the ground won't destroy your depot Even if you only have 1-person-projects, I find it very usefull to use an SCC tool. One more thing you should think about are regular backups of your depot. If you succeed in convincing several people to use your SCC server (no matter which product you actually use), those people will rely on the server as a backup for their source files. Imagine what happens if there is a head crash on the server's harddisk! QUOTE(Daklu @ Jan 11 2008, 07:24 PM) I really do like the SVN option since it is more intuitive for our main users, engineers. Unfortunately I suspect running Apache on corpnet would violate IT policy. Apparently SVN can run under a separate server that doesn't require Apache, but I don't know enough about that to say whether or not it will work. I am running P4 at work and Tortoise SVN at home. Both are running under Windows XP. Both are working fine for me. The only thing I don't have is the PushOK extension for SVN, so I don't have LV integration at home (which is a bit uncomfortable but not the end of the world). SVN is running without Apache. If you want to try it yourself, I recommend installing Tortoise SVN and looking at it's help file. Have a look at the section "Setting up a Server >> Svnserve Based Server". It looks a bit complicated at first, but in the end it's only a small list of steps you have to follow. As long as you are not afraid of the command line, I don't see a problem ;-) I find it astonishing to see how much you can get for free using SVN! It looks like a really mature piece of software. Still there is at least one reason for P4: If you have to maintain older projects with LV 7.1 or earlier, you cannot get LV integration with anything else than P4 or MS VSS.
  8. As Norm already pointed out: you cannot have empty directories in the Perforce depot. Perforce simply doesn't know any such thing as a directory. It's all "files with long names", where a name may be something like "//depot/Dir1/dir2/myfile.vi". In some cases those files are displayed in a way similar to directories. But you can - of course - have files in the depot that are not in your workspace. This is the normal case, since usually you are not the only person working with the P4 server. I'm not shure if the following is 100% the same in P4V, since I am using P4Win (which seems to be almost the same, but more Windows-style to me): Don't delete any files that are in P4 using Windows Explorer! Instead select the files (or directories) you want to get rid of in P4Win, right-click and select "Open for Delete" (they must not be open for edit at this time!). This deletes them immediately from your local disk, but not from the depot yet. Deletion in the depot happens when you submit your changelist, which contains a new "delete" action for every deleted file. If you do this, your files are not really deleted from the depot. They only get a new head revision in which they are deleted. You can always sync to an older revision to get them back. If you are working under Windows I recommend installing P4Win, even if you prefer to use P4V. With the newer versions of P4Win you get a nice Explorer integration. It's not as powerfull as TortoiseSVN, but it's still something I wouldn't want to miss in my everyday work. Since you seem to be used to SVN, let me point out just another tripwire that is waiting for you: SVN's algorithms seem to work on a directory basis mainly. If you add a new file to a directory, it will be sent to the server with your next commit (at least that's what I remember). Since P4 doesn't know directories, you have to make shure to add every new file to the depot. LV helps you very much, if you work with projects, but there might be one file or another that you are missing. Sometimes it's a good idea to add the complete project directory to P4 manually. This results in many "can't add existing file" warnings, but it will also add all the files you missed. Just be carefull with the files you don't want to have in version control (like LV's alias files, which you won't want on another PC in most cases).
  9. QUOTE(jg69 @ Jan 10 2008, 01:24 PM) Thanks for those hints! I played around with the ini settings, but I didn't succeed in solving this problem. I seems that I am able to define a larger font size, which makes the plot legend larger, but I couldn't get a smaller size. The 2nd possibility worked fine. I changed the font of the plot legend to "Tahoma 13" and it was identical in the development environment and built application. I still think this is a bug in LV! The Application Font changes with the Windows settings. This happens both in the development environment (after you restart LV) and in the runtime engine. I don't see any reason why this should look any different on the same computer with (of course) the same Windows configuration. But even if this worked correctly, it still was a good idea to set the font independently from the Windows settings if you need to be shure that there is a checkbox next to each plot name. Edit: I forgot to mention the CAR number: CAR 4H921LN3.
  10. QUOTE(Daklu @ Jan 10 2008, 02:48 AM) That's no surprise! A lot confusion arises out of different terminologies used by LabVIEW, Perforce and SVN. I tried to make a list of the most important terms: LabVIEW | Perforce | SVNGet latest Version | Sync to head revision | Check outCheck out | Open for edit | Get lockCheck in | Submit | Commit (Sorry, I didn't find any decent way to make a table or to simply write preformatted text.)So the first step you will want to do in most cases is get a copy of the complete project onto your machine. This is "Sync" in P4.While working you keep checking in and out in LV or doing "Open for edit" and "Submit" in P4.Hint: you can configure your Perforce server so that it puts a lock on all LV files (based on their extensions) every time they are opened for edit.It also helps if you configure LV to "treat read-only VIs as locked". When you then open a VI, it's in run-mode. If you want to edit it, you hit Ctrl-M and two times Enter and the VI is checked out (opened for edit). The two enter keys are for acknowledging two message boxes asking if you want to change to edit mode and check out the VI. QUOTE(Daklu @ Jan 10 2008, 02:48 AM) How do you organize your workspaces? Do you create a different workspace for each project you work on or have only one workspace for all your projects? I have only one large workspace with access to our complete depot. This enables me to sync a co-worker's project quickly without any need to configure a new workspace. But I have to make shure that I never ever sync the complete workspace
  11. If you have a plot legend in LV 8.5, it's size and position changes when building an application and running the EXE. Even though this seems to be only a cosmetical issue, it means that there is no way to design a front panel that looks professional both in the development and runtime environment, if you want to use the plot legend. Steps to reproduce: 1) Unpack the attached archive PlotLegendBug.zip 2) Open the project PlotLegendBug.lvproj 3) Open PlotLegendBug.vi 4) Notice that the two plot legends each have a string indicator next to them that has exactly the same height as the plot legend. 5) Build the application using the build spec "PlotLegendBug". 6) Run the built application. 7) Notice that position, size and optical appearance of both plot legends have changed. Download File:post-7932-1199890708.zip Workaround: The only way is to design your panel, build the application, see what it looks like, correct the positions in LV, build again, correct the positions again, build again... until you end up with an application that looks good. Unfortunately when you finally have a good-looking built application, your panel looks very ugly in the development environment, so this doesn't really count as a workaround. This really is a problem, if you need to have a checkbox next to each plot legend item. Status: reported to NI, waiting for CAR number.
  12. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Dec 19 2007, 07:48 AM) This confuses me What is this item you use to get the control reference from the pane reference and control name? I can't find it in my LabVIEW. Is this part of normal LabVIEW (and I'm just to stupid to find it) or do I need a scripting license for this?
  13. QUOTE(jlokanis @ Dec 18 2007, 12:17 AM) Yes, absolutely! But if we go this far, we might as well go so far as to say: Always close any references you open! This should save us from a huge number of memory leaks. :thumbup: (I know, there are some cases in which you don't actually need to close a certain reference, but I won't do any harm to take this into your own hands and be shure it's really closed.)
  14. QUOTE(TobyD @ Dec 18 2007, 05:41 PM) I think the problem is that there is no simple way of determining how many lines a string has. The only way is to analyse all of the data and count the EOLs you find. This is not very efficient for large strings, no matter if you do it in your own LV code or hide it inside a LV primitive. If you are looking for an efficient way to replace the last line several times, I suggest you find the position of the last EOL an remember it. Then you can replace the string section starting from this position several times. An even easier way would be to remember the complete string before adding the last line. Then you can always add you new last line to this string and write it to your indicator. This has the drawback of using more memory. If this should bother you depends on the size of your string and the RAM in your computer ;-)
  15. I've got a CAR number now: 4GB6DL0G. This problem seems to apply to more than one control and it seems R&D is working on it now...
  16. QUOTE(Ascen @ Dec 12 2007, 03:11 PM) I agree with crelf that several event loops may end in some very hard debugging sessions I also don't see why it should be a problem to have a large number of event cases in one event structure. QUOTE(Ascen @ Dec 12 2007, 03:11 PM) A bigger issue is that I havent figured out how to group these objects logically - I may have 20 objects named "Input1" in the event selection list, since the control names are cut off at some length (or at some special characters? I use TABNAME:CONTROLNAME naming convention) Such a naming convention is certainly a very good idea. All you need now is a good list of short tab-names and control names. You should keep in mind that the label (=logical name) and caption (=displayed name) of a control don't need to be the same. In your case I would strongly suggest to use some nice short labels and display only the captions. A not-so-well-known fact is that you can do the same for the tab control pages: Right-click on a page and select "Advanced >> Make Page Caption Match Label". You have to do this for every page separately. QUOTE(Ascen @ Dec 12 2007, 03:11 PM) I am building a training simulator for a panel-controlled logic controller, and I have N pages because that is what the controller has. And yes, they need to be accessible at least somewhat instantly - separate popup windows from subVIs are not an option. Are the pages of your logic controller really different from each other? If they are quite similar, maybe it would be a better approach to have one control (e.g. an enum) to select the page an then re-use the same controls for every controller page. If there are some small differences you could manage them by hiding the controls you don't need. This would transfer some complexity from the UI to your data management code. But since you need to manage all that data anyway, I assume that you would end up with less complex code over all. QUOTE(Ascen @ Dec 12 2007, 03:11 PM) There are some pages that are there just for navigating the GUI (maybe 1-3), but most pages display data. If it's only display, then my suggestions above should be even easier to handle. Sub panels have already been mentioned as an alternative. This sounds like a very good idea to me, too. You could have separate display VIs running for all your controller pages, but only one of them shows it's front panel inside your (one) sub panel. And I think you don't need to worry about display performance here. Maybe you loose a bit of time changing the displayed panel, but if this is implemented properly, it will still be much faster than the average human being's perception
  17. QUOTE(venkatesh @ Dec 7 2007, 11:17 AM) You have to be far more specific, if you want to get any help here. And please be aware that answers to your questions won't be improved by cross-posting them to several threads. What does all this have to do with Code Repository Support anyway? All this leads me to the conclusion that you should try to get professional help from someone on your area. Try this link to find someone: http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/niaa.search_display
  18. QUOTE(venkatesh @ Dec 7 2007, 05:33 AM) This really doesn't sound like a question with a legal answer to it But this site doesn't look very illegal to me: http://cnx.org/content/col10241/latest/ You might also want to check the list of contributions to this site by their user "NationalInstruments": http://cnx.org/content/expanded_browse_aut...onalInstruments
  19. QUOTE(crelf @ Dec 6 2007, 11:10 PM) There is really a lot of awesome stuff in the LAVAcr! It's hard to boil this down to one "best item". Nevertheless I nominate Mark Balla's Icon Editor for the title of Best Productivity Tool. http://forums.lavag.org/downloads-file56.html Why? This is the one tool from LAVAcr that I am using many times every single day. It's user interface is extremely straight-forward and intuitive. It's a real development time saver! I know there are several other LabVIEW icon editors out there, every one of them very usefull and focussing on different aspects of icon design. I have tested many of them myself, but in the end I got stuck with the one that helped me create my icons with the minimum amount of effort involved. Thank you very much for your excellent work Mark!
  20. It's amazingly easy to crash LabVIEW 8.5 when using the new scrollbar on the plot legend. Just replace the 3D graph with a classic graph and LV is gone. Steps to reproduce: 1) Create a new Waveform Graph in 3D design. 2) Right-click plot legend and select "Visible Items >> Vertical Scrollbar". 3) Right-click graph and select "Replace". 4) Navigate to the Classic Waveform Graph and select it as the replacement for the 3D graph. 5) LabVIEW is gone now. Status: Reported to NI Germany. Waiting for the CAR number.
  21. QUOTE(David Boyd @ Nov 30 2007, 11:10 PM) For the latching buttons you mentioned, it should be enough to wire NewVal to the selector of a case structure. There is no need for an extra comparison. You could use the button's terminal instead of the NewVal node. This would result in switching it off as soon as the event is detected. (It's you choice if you want this behaviour or not.)
  22. QUOTE(TiT @ Nov 29 2007, 02:18 PM) I just got confused by the keyboard layout PJM posted. If you look at this picture, you see that AltGr-E should give you "œ".
  23. QUOTE(PJM_labview @ Nov 27 2007, 07:09 PM) Now I am curious: where is the Euro sign "€" on a French keyboard? It's AltGr-E on a German keyboard, but this place seems to be already taken .
  24. QUOTE(lavezza @ Nov 21 2007, 08:12 PM) You are right. Separating source and object code would help "real" LabVIEW programmers a lot. It seems to me that NI is already on the way to do this. In fact they are already doing it for the FPGA VIs (ok, it's no object code there, it's a bitstream). So let's hope this really is a good omen for the future of "standard" LabVIEW...
  25. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Nov 20 2007, 12:46 PM) I agree absolutely. Did you already suggest this on NI's site?
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