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Everything posted by i2dx

  1. OK, I got it: I made a right-click on my class and selected "VI" => I created a new member VI. As you allready wrote the name of the VI is changed, and there fore the changes have to be saved or you can defer the decision ...
  2. REALLY STRANGE. I was *allmost* sure, that I did no editing. Just to be really sure, I restartet my WorkingPC with LV 8.2 and tried to reproduce it. It worked as it is supposed to happen: The VI is closed, removed from memory and removed from the project tree. Now I don't now exactly, what I did today in the morning, and how to get that reproduced. Hmm ... on the other hand ... I don't know if I really want this "effect" back, but I am sure, I'll get it back if I don't want it OK, I'll keep my eyes open. It seems, this behaviour has something to do with my own workflow. So I'll find out what happened, and tell you more if I know more ... thx, CB
  3. me, too. But at least I will check that out, allthough I am afraid, that I stick to much to my "good old habbits" and will miss the TAB-Key to much ...
  4. there is a bug in the link. the correct link is : this ... almost perfect dancing style BTW: "volunteer from the audience" ... lol
  5. create a Project, create new, blank VI and close it immediately: you'll get the defer decision button. If you remove the VI from the project later, then you can close and remove it from memory. But that are more steps to take then I "like" . A "close and remove from Project" button would be fine in this situation. Ok, that could become difficult, because of e.g. unsaved SubVIs, etc, but I think, that "solution" is worth thinking about? as former-employee I still feel as "a part of the family" - my oppinion isn't that independed - but on the other hand, I am here to talk about problems, issues, bugs with other experts and not to tell how much I like LV. I think that is prooven by the fact, that I 1) use LabVIEW and 2) sell LabVIEW code to my customers , 3) tell everyone in my courses: use LabVIEW and forget 3rd party hardware, because NI hardware + NI drivers + NI LabVIEW is the fastes, best and most convenient possibility to get your measurement tasks done, etc. Visit one of my courses and you'll feel like in one of theses ">>turbo cutter supersharp<< developed by the NASA" shows with LV 7.1.1 you were close to that ...
  6. which OOP to use? hmm, I think I will stick with my old Action Engines and will try to replace them step by step with LVOOP, where it is usefull. First of all I think - because it's a paradigm change - it's a change in your head. You have to get rid of good old habits and see what's the best (most efficient, most simple, etc ..) way with the new unfamiliar features. I will approach to this topic with time, respect and with caution ... Somewhat OT (my comment to the intense discussions about LV 8.2): We are seeing big changes in LV now, and I think we have to be patient. There has allways been a "lack of functionality" in new invented features in LV, like the event structure in LV 6.1, which became "really usefull" in LV 7.0.x etc. Now LVOOP is the first implementation, and the feedback of the users will push it in the right direction - or the other way round: making a release is the only chance for a company to reach a wider range of developers, you can't make beta-tests for years I am confident, that NI will do a good job and sooner or later we'll again get a release like 7.1.1 - which was allmost perfect . On the other hand, I can understand everyone who is ranting: some month ago I was taking LV 8.0 into production without sufficient testing, one of the results is a well know thread in this forum cheers, cb
  7. thank you. It's not THAT important. I don't want to bother the busy folks with such minor issues. Maybe such a feature comes back sometimes - or someone realy needs it, for whatever reason - but until then, I can wait cheers CB
  8. I will not rant, if I get this feature tomorrow
  9. thanks a lot. I am allready using "plan B" in other projects. If there is no such functionality in DAQmx, then I'll continue using plan B until DAQmx will get that feature
  10. hmm ... this guy really does not talk to much
  11. thank's a lot. Pane was the missing link: @Michael, what about a forum for "lost and found properties?"
  12. Hi folks, I am searching for aproperty in LV 8: (the screenshot is from LV 7.1.1) where is it now? OR better, how can I set the FP Origin programatically in LV 8.x? I believe Norman could know how to do this, because he is using this one: maybe you can reveal your trick? thank you in advance, CB
  13. Hi folks, I am searching for a possibility to send a "hand made custom" single digital pulse on a PXI lane, to trigger some of my DAQ-tasks. With traditional DAQ that could be done easily: (>>gimme one ping vasilli, only one ping<< ) does anyone know how to archieve this with DAQmx? I know, I could use the AoStartTrigger, the AiStartTrigger, etc but this is plan B. Plan C would be to create one single pulse with a counter, but first of all, I'd like to be able to set a PXI Line "high" ... thanks in advance, CB
  14. it is in the reviewing process, your submission did meet the minimum requirements. until now we olny informed those who did NOT meet the minimum requirements, maybe we should change that? mark, michael? what's your oppinion?
  15. or you can split up the wires of the cable and connect Tx/Rx to an other COM-Port and use e.g. the terminal programm. I do this, if I assume that there is something wrong with the drivers and I relly need the data that come across the wire ...
  16. all submissions are collected by mark ("mballa") and posted in a forum, which is not public. I do not assume that mark holds back any submissions , so I can state that - if you did not get email yet, that your submission does not meet the minimum requirements - your submission is in the reviewing process and - if it's among the top 5 - put on the list for the public election
  17. ok, I tried to reproduce that, and - oops - I found out that it is not that easy: As far as it concerns only one VI, all the points you described above are true. The problem comes up, if you have unsaved VIs in memory, which is used in an unsaved VI as a SubVI - which exactly meets condition 1). Now let us assume the following: during a long development day you have created lots of "test VIs" (I described that in one of my last posts ...), lets say 10 VIs, used 5 of them used in 5 other VIs as SubVI. Because they were "test VIs" you didn't save them in your project, but you defered the decision. On the end of the day, you have to close them all (or save them), with the "known" result, I was complaining about. The problem is, you can't close the SubVIs, because they are SubVIs (1.) and you can't close the callers, because they contains unsaved SubVIs. All you can do is to defer the decision and collect them til the closing time, where you have to uncheck the "apply to all" checkbox and close those VIs one by one. So far so good. Now what can be done about this? umh ... I don't know. All proposals I have so far are half-baked resp. to hard to implement resp. tons of work noone want's to do ... but I hope I could make clear, where the "issues" are? cheers, CB
  18. I assume that you are involved in the development process for this part of LabVIEW , so first of all I'd like to thank you for taking the time to care about my concerns. As always (that's the disclaimer...), my review about this topic is just my humble opinion. I fully believe that you did your best and NI did and does a very good job and I fully understand that the save dialog needed some refreshment. My criticism on
  19. thank you! regarding the paths, i suggest to use this VI: Download File:post-885-1156006697.vi
  20. hmm ... interesting. I was complaing about the defer decission button, because I am used to do e.g. the following: if I have to implement a larger, more complex algorithm in a VI, I open a new VI, where I can develop and test smaller, simpler parts of that algorithm before I fit it all together in the "real VI". In LV 7.1.x if you press Strg-W on the FP you get the "default close dialog", shown in the picture: If you hit "close" there, the VI is closed and removed from memory. I experienced in LV 8.0.1 that - when working with a project - Strg+N opens a new VI, which is integrated in the project tree and you can not close that VI until the project is closed, but you get that defer decission button instead. If you have lots of such "test VIs" you don't really need in the project - those defered decissions can really drive you crazy. I don't think it's a bug - it's a well meant feature, but there should be some possibility to select how to use Strg+N in a project context. Maybe Strg+Shift+N opens a new VI in a "free" context, Strg+N opens a VI in the project context? Maybe this option allready exists? I haven't checked this yet ... 7 Buttons? Where? uhmh? hu? tell me more ... thanks & regards, CB
  21. Jason, I don't have the Legos or the Mindstorms NXT toolkit yet, but I hope to get it in September. I'm sure you'll get my feedback, because I'm really interested in this technology and I'm used to say what I think. Are you the one who created the toolkit? The most fascinating part of it is the circumstance that a program, written with LabVIEW is running on an Atmel microprocessor. Maybe there is an Atmel (AVR?) Module in nearer future? Be sure, I'd buy more than I can ever use . I have a bunch of ideas in my head what could be accomplished with "NI AVR Modules", but I don't know where or with whom to discuss them... cheers, CB
  22. lol but does not the water wash away all the smell? does a skunk stink, if it is washed? I don't want to test this IRL but any answer founded on experience is apreciaced
  23. i2dx

    LabVIEW 8.20

    maybe that would be a good appication area for my Project Copy Tool ? Maybe I will find some time to create a "Duplicate Object Command". Who would appreciate that - please wave your hands ? (and I am sure, I will create that, if I feel that that would save me time ...) cheers, cb
  24. a really interesting document. thank you for posting ...
  25. ummhh ... can you please explain a non native speaker, why it's written with K? If it was a joke, I apologize for killing the punch linke ... hmm ... 9 ... then he has to go to bed, maybe 1 hour after you come home from work ? I read it a few minutes ago on the ni homepage. and I am REALLY looking forward to this toolkit. not only because you can programm your legos with it, but it contains the ability to write LV code, which is executed in a microprocessor - that's really exciting. Maybe I can extract some of the procedures and run LV code on the same uC without the Lego stuff around it ... BTW: I hope NI will bring soon something like a "Atmel AVR Module" - the Embedded Development Module seems to be to complicated and to expensive for my taste --> what about qubix ? My last info is, that it sould have been released in early Q2/2006 in Germany ... ?
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