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Everything posted by i2dx

  1. I have no idea how the job market is, in your country, but if it's nor really hard to find a job as an engineer, I'd do the certification, when I'm in the job. On the other hand, if it's really hard to get a job, only the best get a chance, and then just an other piece of paper may proove you're the one of the best ... Besides: the CLD exam, can be really hard, if you lack of experience. If you don't find the correct approach in the first 30 minutes, you will inevitably run into a time issue. IMHO the CLD exam can't be done, just with the knowledge from the courses, you really need some practice ...
  2. IMHO the proper way of halting a PXI is to programm that in your application. You'll need some kind of "stop" command, e.g. if you are sending commands via TCP/IP to the pxi, it would be a good idea to implement that there. Halting the PXI via the BIOS is a realy brutal method, which gives you no control over the states of your measurement hardware, it's more like an emergency brake ...
  3. ARGH ... please don't be embarrassed, and please don't take it to serious, if I don't share your point of view from time to time - I think that's quite normal? <werewolf=ON>GRRRRRR .... GRRR .... do not put salt in the wound! <werewolf=OFF>
  4. auslauf ? keine ahnung, ich versteh's schon, ich hab auch mal neben einem bauernhof gewohnt ... so you want to build your own catminator NXT? last time you mentioned your son, I am glad you now revelaled WHO want's to play with the legos. BTW: no need to be ashamed now, I'm getting mine in September - I hope
  5. your labview start screen should look like this: you can build executables for the PDA with the "build for PDA" item from the tools menu: If you don't have a "Pocket PC 20xx Device" or "Pocket PC 20xx Emulatur" that means, you have some issues with your installation. Maybe the Microsoft Tools for PDA Development are missing? I suggest to remove the PDA Module and reinstall it step by step, following the manual. ActiceSync, the MS PocketPC 2003 SDK, etc are important Tools for the PDA Module wich must be installed, if the PDA Module should work properly.
  6. you can download the newest version of the ADO-Toolkit here: ADO-Tool and you can find an example here: ADO-Tool Examples --> sorry, I don't have any manuals jet - I'm still to busy + lazy As I wrote in my last post: yes you can use remote Databases, e.g. Microsoft SQL-Server. All you have to do is to create a System (or User) DSN and use the Instance "Connect to SQL-Server" instance of the polymorphic "connect" VI. If you want to use MySQL, install the myODBC driver, create a System (ur User) DSN and use the "Connect to mySQL" instance ...
  7. hey, I have no problem with having fun (I think the LV 6i slogan was "it's OK to have fun!") - but I can understand as well that wikipedia want's to delete this topic ... sorry (and I hope we don't have to discuss this any further, it's just MY HUMBLE opinion) but in my eyes the paragraph about jim is 100% advertising ... cheers, CB
  8. ... and I have to admitt, I fully understand that wikipedia want's to delete this entry, because at least 60% of the entry is advertising for Jim and his company, and I think it's good to keep wikipedia ad-free, even if it hits "one of us" ... I think we should keep kring's law as a runing gag in this or other forum(s) for a while, before we bother other's with this topic ... cheers, cb
  9. maybe some japanese peppermint oil is easier to get and more effective than a cat chasing robot (how will you manage it that it can climb up the trees?). Cat's really hate that intensive smell of the peppermint oil and immediately disappear ...
  10. yes you can do this, BUT I would not recommend it, because accessing a remote *.mdb-file means, the JET database module copies the parts of the database, it needs for executing your query, to a temporary local file, wich might result in a huge network load, if your database becomes bigger and bigger. I would recomend an Access Database as local DB (with local file) only and would use an MS SQL Server 2005 Express for remote databases. I have finishied a project with a MS SQL Server 2005 Express a few weeks ago, and it works really good. Especially the Stored Procedures are a big advantage and make the DB communication faster, more reliable and easier to programm: compare SELECT a.col1, b.col2 FROM tbl_aaa AS a INNER JOIN tbl_bbb AS b ON a.id = b.fk_a WHERE a.col6 = 1 AND ..... against EXEC SP_select_ab %a=1, %b=N'string' AND you can change the queries in the SQL-Server without touching your LV Programm - if you don't change the parameters ... BTW: your post reminds me, to put the latest verstion on my website cheers, CB
  11. :question: :question: what's wrong about that podcast? :question: :question:
  12. Bjrok, thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it umpf --- ehm ... I never thought about this case, I have to admit ... I am currently short on time, but I will try to incorporate that asap - but can't promise anything ...
  13. I thinks wether you like graphical programming or not is a question how your brain is structured. I, e.g. can't remember street names, names of persons and dates but I can remember exactly on the LabVIEW code, I wrote 3 years ago. If my customer calls me "Hi, we have a problem with xyz" I take a quick look on the code (and I know which VI I have to look at) and can answer his question within minutes ... I was really happy with Labview, because I found out that I will never have to search a missing semicolon again or a typo in a long variable name ... that's great
  14. what about CRC8, CRC16, CRC32, MD5 ? google reveals a lot of links e.g. for "+labview +crc16" ....
  15. Jason, is this sanity check the reason for "self altering code"? (don't panic) I experience such behaviour maybe every third year, but sometimes it happens (the last time with LV 7.0.x) that e.g. a bundle by name changes the cluster element which is overwritten. This "correct the value or reset it to a value to ensure ..." could be a plausible explanation for such behaviour. ... CB
  16. of course 16 bit resolution are better then 14 bit and 24 bit are better then 16 bit, but with more resolution the daq-boards get more expensive, so mostly you choose the card that fits your accuracy needs and not more. you can easyly calculate, which resolution you need: a 16 bit card divides a 20 V signal (from -10 to 10V) into 2^16 = 65536 parts, which means that you can resolve 20 V / 65536 = 0,00030517578125 V or 0,305 mV a 14 bit card divides a 20V signal into 16384 parts => you can resolve 0,001220703125 V or 1 mV I'd consider at least the last bit as noise in every measurement, so I'd rely on 13 bits on a 14 bit card, and on 15 bits on a 16 bit card, but that also depends on the type of measurement, and the noise in your electric circuit ... BTW: if you are using DAQmx you can simply set the output format to I16 / U16 and "see" the raw data from the ADC ...
  17. maybe you should have attatched, that the best way to fill a hole is: 1. take a bucket of concrete 2. put the concrete in the hole 3. take a scoop and flatten the surface 4. let it dry for at least 24 hours 5. finish ...
  18. yea! beat Italy, beat Italy! and I for myself will eat no pizza for 3 month and will not work for any italian company for the next 6 month! ;D sudden death in the last minute, that's too much <sniff>
  19. congratulations, from me, too! I hope to follow soon c ya, CB
  20. you're wellcome. I would not call it a little switch from text languages to labview. I can only talk for myself, but I needed some hours of developing experience in LabVIEW before I really understood the data-flow paradigm, and it's a sort of extra burden, if you are used to programm in text oriented languages (as I was before I got stuck in LabVIEW). But if you have fun with your first steps in LV, I'm sure, you don't want to give it up again. 1. advantage: you'll never have to search for missing semicolons or parenthesis again [except: you use the formula node ...] Ok, you'll start searching coercion dots and wrong connected "bundle" nodes instead, but that's a complete different storry cheers, CB
  21. Wellcome to LAVA, then ... you are right, but it seems you are using the local variables in a way which they are not intended to. I guess, you have done some programming in C or other text-oriented languages, so you are used to declare some variables before you implement your algorithm. If you programm in labview, forget any variables, think in wires. The wire is the variable. You don't have to declare it or create it, just drag your wire from the input to the output ... What you need, to accomplish your task, is a while-loop, and one or more shift registers. Maybe you want to take a look at the LabVIEW fundamentals manual, or take a look at the examples, shipped with your copy. There is a nice tool, called example finder, which is started by clicking Help --> find examples, in LabVIEW, which presents the examples with some explanation in a tree menu. cheers, CB
  22. there is a new version ( 1.3.2) availiable in the LAVA Code Repository. I have fixed some minor bugs and I incorporated a new way to get the SubVIs of a VI, as discussed here. Now the tool finds all SubVIs, even those, which are "hidden" in e.g. a Disable Structure. A hint for the usage: if you don't use prefixes, simply leave the prefixes listbox empty or delete the "found" prefix. "When I'm big, I'll become a real manual":
  23. I don't have any experience with the Embedded Module at all, but I have a tip: ask your local sales representative for a evaluation version. At least here in Germany you can ask for a Eval Version, and you get the chance to try it out for 2 Weeks or a month with a FULL version (you'll get a real serial ...). Maybe you have to wait one week, or two, because NI has only a few licenses in the "loaner pool", but I am sure, they will help you out.
  24. because NI decided to let it die out: the newer DAQ-Devices (M-Series, Compact DAQ, etc) are not supported by traditional DAQ, therefore there is no need to maintain 2 sets of drivers, which would probably double the cost for software development? There is a stable release (7.4.1) which supports all old cards, and I think that's ok. If you develop a new system, and you have the choice which hardware to buy, you will likely buy one of the newer (and cheaper) devices. So the trad. DAQ is only intended for compatibility.
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