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Everything posted by i2dx

  1. <giggle> hehe ... happy refactoring but to be honest - I now how it is, if you discover a new functionality - you are interested in results, not in pretty code :beer: BTW: do you work for alstom/ch?
  2. Whow! :thumbup: pretty cool stuff - how long did it take to programm that?
  3. hello everybody! there is an update availiable for download: (I hope nobody minds, if I advertise here?) ADO Tool Updates
  4. befor I forget it: I the "rename" function in the new save dialog. I helps a lot, when refactoring your code!
  5. I have found the proof for the 5th dimension! it DOES exist, it IS NOT small, AND you can see, feel, hear and smell it! here it is :beer:
  6. I ran in the same problem today. The "point to row" method can fix a lot, but I still have not found a solution how to figure out, whether I dropped an element ON or UNDER an other element, except with manually calculating the cursor position and the element sizes, which seems to be to much work for that purpose. I'm a little bit disappointed that it's much harder in LV 8.x to create a user interface with a drag & drop tree than in LV 7.1 ...
  7. Yay! my first though when I was viewing "new posts list" I was stuck in it the complete thursday morning. I guess there were too many superstrings in my last beer on wednesday evening!
  8. hmm ... creating plugins would be easy, thanks to VI Server and SubPanels. Let's start a Project and a new thread?
  9. okok, I just wanted to play the prima donna :beer: and as I write this, it comes to my mind, that I could make the frontpanel tool even more generic. Maybe I could even convice NI to add that functionality to the application builder?
  10. hey, my frontpanel (<CR>!) tool does the same and more! and you did not mention it in a word <sniff> .oO(but I guess, I will survive that )
  11. hmm ... that could be a way. want me "back home" ? BTW: do you know Matt Duff? He worked for R&D before he came to NI Services in Germany ...
  12. I have no problems with cold weather (I have several pieces from the "The North Face" collection ...) but - as you maybe know - I am from Germany, and I work as a freelancer / contractor. If you need backup soon and badly, maybe you may consider to hire me Generally I am interested in working in USA for one or two years. In my first approach I would not like to stay longer, because your speed limit really hurts me - or I'd have to take my car along and need a race track near to the place where I would live
  13. the CLD exam is relatively easy, if you have *some* programming skills and if you take care of the following advice: 1. take yourself at least 15 minutes to read through the task again and again. make sure you have understood ALL parts of it. Your worst enemy in the CLD exam is time! You have only one try, and if you get into the situation that you have reached a dead end ... good luck 2. create the frontpanel and add documentation to EVERY control and indicator. Documentation is at least 30% of the exam! 3. use a simple state machine with an enum as case selector. All CLD tasks can be solved within time, if you use a simple state machine. DO NOT use a queued state machine with a producer/consumer loop, you will run into trouble handling all cases and catch "unwanted actions" and finaly run out of time. 4. suppress panic if you run short on time. make sure your VI is running (NO BROKEN ARROW!). If there is a bug in functionality, just keep on programming. With a little luck, this bug is considered as minor bug and you will loose only a few points ... 5. DO DOCUMENT add documentation to every control, wire, case, constant, VI etc, do not forget "free labels" on every wire of your state machine. 6. do not use locals, globals, property nodes if you are not forced to. all tasks can be solved with pure data-flow BTW: I reached 98% in the CLD exam ... the missing 2 points were for 2 missing constant labes in the block diagram good luck! CB
  14. hmm ... eehmmm ... yes ... err, hmmm good morning angels ok, hijack this thread, maybe we need some kind of opposite pole here, if we talk about all the good things. :ninja:
  15. ok, thank you. I will fix that with the next release, which is allready in work and which will have 2 new features: 1: you can select, if you want to go down the entire hierarchy or not 2: you can select, whether you want to use the last changed VI (-hierarchy) or the "Menu Call VI" by default EDIT: V 2.0.5 is availiable, the dialog is now in english and I added the 2 features
  16. File Name: Frontpanel Tool File Submitter: i2dx File Submitted: 25 Oct 2006 File Updated: 26 Oct 2006 File Category: LabVIEW Development Environment IBB Frontpanel Tool V 2.0.4 Copyright
  17. yes, it has. if you have multiple targets, each vi will show it's target in the lower left corner of the VI. if you have e.g. 2 targets: Windows (My Computer) and a PDA target, you can open one VI in all thre application instances. If you edit that VI and do not save the changes immediately, you will see the "sync" button in the toolbar.
  18. gmart, thank you for this detailed response! OK: back to the roots: I'll have to explain a little bit more: You guessed right, yes I am used to Visal Source Safe (6.0). I used that when I was an employee. In 2004 I became an independent contractor / freelancer, and I was working alone: One Project, one folder on disk, one copy and an automated daily backup on my server. That worked pretty good for me, if I messed something up I had my backups and I could go back in history, if I needed to. Now I've come to the point, that I need a Source Code Control, and since I know, that NI preferes Perforce, it was my first choice. Hey, this is an explanation, I can understand. thanks yes, that was really strange. I checked the whole project out and started editing. When I was editing one file (that happened not with *all* files!) I got a dialog box, which informed me, that LV is now going to check out this file, because I am trying to edit this file. That was an automatic dialog, without buttons, which appeared and went of after a few seconds. I guess that had something to do with the chagelist concept? AH! got it. That's why there is the "keep files checked out" checkbox, right? I'll keep on trying! again, thanks a lot!
  19. mainly because I have the feeling, that I don't have this tool *under my control* and I have difficulties in understanding the documentation and therefore, how the software works. what the heck is clobber ??? O.k. I found out, that perforce will not overwrite existing files if I have not checked this option, but what does that mean? Is it really that, what I want to have? What happens to my files? I introduced Source Code Control, because these files are *somewhat important*, and I'd like to be sure that my source code control will not mess up something ? e.g. checking out files. I check out files in LV, but they are not realy checked out. OK, in the Project Explorer they get the "checked out" icon, but if you edit them, LV informs you, that this file has to be checekd out. why? I don't wanna have a pending changelist somewhere, I just want the files to be checked out or checked in. Is there a way to force perforce to write the files immediately? e.g. adding files. I just added a new project and wanted to get the last revision on my second machine. The files did not exist in the depot. I first had to open P4C, send the pending changes to the depot. check them in, check them out and then I could retrieve the files. strange. I added them in LV with "add to scc", why are the files not in the depot? all in all it feels like sitting on a bike with a twisted wheel, I can hold in a way the direction, but it's not precise ...
  20. congratulations, from me, too. I hope, that does not count as a "me, too" post
  21. hey! stop hijacking MY thread! this is my last warning! I'll send you the LAVA vigilante justice squad! and I'll send you a virus, which will force your computer to print out all posts from alfa over and over again ... on all of your printers! :beer:
  22. Hi Folks, I am currently using Perforce as *my" Source Code Control tool with LV 8.20, but I am not really happy with it. I have not the energy to set up a Linux Machine and get CVS (or clonses) running, so the only alternative seems to bee Visual Source Safe 2005, correct? Has anyone out there experience with Visual Source Safe 2005 and LabVIEW? I called Microsoft, but there is no trial software availiable, and I am not willing to spend 600 bucks for a "try". Or even better, has anyone a tip, where I can get a Visual Source Safe 2005 trial? any comments are really apreciated! thank you, CB
  23. i2dx

    the reason why

    hmm ... I don't know, but thank you anyway
  24. <embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-733295898463347811&hl=de" flashvars=""> </embed>
  25. double strip the path or use absolute path names. In a LabVIEW exe, the Path to the main VI is somefoldername\executable.exe\main.vi ... cheers, CB
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