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Everything posted by i2dx

  1. ok, I took a look: You get the errors, because your SQL Statements are not correct. Because I don't know exactly, what you want to archieve, I'll explain it a little bit more genericaly: Imagine you have 2 tables in your access database, the first table, "tbl_1" has 4 columns: id_tbl1 --> AutoValue, PrimaryKey, increment firstname --> text field, length 50 chars lastname --> text field, length 50 chars numvalue --> numerical value, long integer the second table "tbl_2" has 5 columns: id_tbl2 --> AutoValue, PrimaryKey, increment fk_tbl1 --> Foreign Key to id_tbl1, numerical, long integer nvalue1 --> numerical value, double nvalue2 --> numerical value, double nvalue3 --> numerical value, double You want to insert one row in tbl_1 and 3 rows into tbl_2, which refer to the row you inserted in tbl_1 before Your format strings, to format your SQL-Statements should look like: INSERT INTO tbl_1 (firstname, lastname, numvalue) VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d) connect that to the "ADOTool_Insert Data Get Identity.vi", which gives you back the value of id_tbl1 of the previous inserted row (it makes a Querie "SELECT @@identity" ...) at the DB AutoID output. Please note, that you have to put quotes >'< around string data! e.g. if firstname = Lite, lastname = Miller and numvalue should be 15, your insert statement is: INSERT INTO tbl_1 (firstname, lastname, numvalue) VALUES ('Lite', 'Miller', 15) let's asume, that was the 154th row, you inserted in that table, thus the DB AutoID = 154 ... Your second insert Statement should look like: %.;INSERT INTO tbl_2 (fk_tbl1, nvalue1, nvalue2, nvalue3) VALUES (%d, %0.15e, %0.15e, %0.15e) %.; is used to make sure that the dot is used as decimal point, not the comma ... if your values are 16.7 , 745.3, 9523.742 --> your statement is: INSERT INTO tbl_2 (fk_tbl1, nvalue1, nvalue2, nvalue3) VALUES (154, 1.670000000000000E+1, 7.453000000000000E+2, 9.523742000000000E+3) Please notice that the "RowCount" MUST MATCH the "ValueCount"! --> that means INSERT INTO table name (Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4) <-- here you define, you want to insert into 4 columns VALUES (Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4) <-- therefore you have to provide EXCACTLY 4 values! I hope that helps ... cheers, CB
  2. thank you for the feedback!
  3. Hi Folks, I am again working with the PDA Module. allthough there are some mayor improvements [at least I hope so ], the PDA Module still needs some work ... here is a list of features, I am missing in the LV 8.20 PDA Module: I'd like to have - at least - a "Panel Close / Pane Close" event in the event structure. I understand that not *all* events can be supported, but this one matters! the ability to set the size of the Window - now all VIs (even "home brew" dialogs) have the same size: full size the name, appearing in the title bar should be the String set in "VI-Properties"->Window Name, and NOT as now, the VI File Name without .vi
  4. ROFL yea, thats true - but I really like Perl and use it often. Last example? 3 days ago I got a Phishig email and - WHOW - the website was still active. So I wrote a Perl Script which is until now filling the Phisher's database with randomly generated PINs and TANs - I'd really like to see the face of "da BoYz"*, if they realize, their "really successfull draft of phish" is not more than random numbers in the correct format ... conculusion: Perl is fun *BTW: in the Perl Cookbook there is an example, which manipulates a text string in a WaY tHaT eAcH 2nD ChArAcTeR is set to uppercase. This is extremely helpfull, if you have to communicate with "WaReZ DuDeZ"
  5. you have to wire the "application reference" input of the "open VI reference" VI with the correct application reference. That topic was discussed here cheers, CB
  6. I have updated the examples. In "ado-bsp-03.vi" you can find an example, how to insert an 1D Array into a Memo field. I hope, that will help you out ... cheers, CB
  7. UPDATE: the PDA Module 8.20 is now shiping (in Europe). If you can't wait and if you have a valid DevSuite Serial, you can download the evaluation version and activate it with your DevSuite Key ... PDA Module 8.20 Evaluation Version (ftp-Download -~290 MB) cheers, CB
  8. no excuses!
  9. I use prefixes: PROJECT_FUNCTION GROUP_vi-name.vi e.g. LV82TPL11_SQL_select whatever data.vi --> select some Data from the Database with LV82TPL11_DLG_the dialog name.vi --> a dialog VI, that pops up I was considering to give up that practice with LV 8.20, because you have the Project Manager and LVLIBS, but I did not, because, I am used to it, you can see immediately to which project a file belongs, If you see it in the windows explorer - and it makes my Project Copy tool faster : If I start with I new project, I use my tool to copy the entire hierarchy of my Project template into a new folder with a new prefix and can start developing immediately. It's a little bit like the solution wizard in Visual Studio. If you click there e.g. "Windows Application" all the files, you need are created automatically ... cheers, CB
  10. I don't use gmail, too - just because of the reason that I'm paranoid and do not want my personal information stored on the servers of a company which is famous for collecting information and make them availiable for everyone!? or FreeBSD on a PDA
  11. hmm ... no. I used Borland in 1994 for C development, and somewhen later I used VS 6.0 (from 1999 I think ...) for C and C++. BTW: the one and ony deveopment environment I never had struggle with was Basic on my C64, reason: there was allmost no (i)DE - nevertheless, I did earn some money with that machine ... hmm ... that makes me think: allmost no struggle = some bucks, lots of struggle = big bucks ... hmmm .... where can I get the most buggy IDE ever availiable in this universe? cheers, CB
  12. ok, I hope, I understood the task right, here's my way to measure (e.g.) Force over Angle: I use a 6602 and an E-Series or M-Series DAQ-Board. I create a SampleClock with one of the 6002's counters and route it via the RTSI Bus to the AI Device Both Acquisitions, Encoder and AI are timed witht the same sample clock. If you want to have AI Samples between the encoder counts, make sure your sampling rate is high enough. Make a countinious accquisition with hardware timing. with each result set go through a for loop, that calculates the average of the AI samples, with all samples with the same encoder count. store the concoder count and the AI averge in a 2d array and voila: you have an array with force over angle with an AI value corresponding to each encoder tic. the advantage of this method is that you will not into trouble, even if the tics come faster than the the max. AI sample rate ... cheers, CB
  13. it was painfull enough to code that in C. I was searching for over 30 minutes to find that %&"
  14. lol ... yea. this is that old "the heck why does this stupid software not KNOW what I am thinking in this millisecond" - discussion - aka "I am still waiting for the LabVIEW BrainPlug" back to topic: if you turn the scrollbars OFF, it seems that the scrollbars are removed automatically, before you paste the VI into a SubPanel. This solves much of my "I don't want to see scrollbars in my Subpanel" - pain It seems, that the "close VI" dialoge is now working that way I want it to :thumbup: :worship:
  15. for(int i=0;i++;i<100) { printf("I shall read the posts carefully, before I push the answer button!\r\n"); } seems you're completely right cheers, CB
  16. no problem. if it would by "my" list, I should have posted it in my secret forum on my verry secret server, and not here on the internet ... my second intention was also, to find out, what others like most.
  17. this is exactly what my "duplicate project tool" tries to do. I am currently working on a LV 8.20 release, which is able to build a "ready to run" LV 8.20 project, too. I could modify my tool in a way, that you are able to select folders, which shall be ignored during the duplication process. If you are working with prefixes, it should work allready. If you are interested, let me know, I can send you the beta version. There is allready a LV 8.0 version in the Code Repository, but I do NOT recommend to use that with LV 8.20. I had plenty work today to fix a lot of bugs ... cheers, CB
  18. I had the same issue with dynamic VIs in Lv 7.1 and I used the following workaround: create a new VI, put all dynamic VIs into it, drag a disable structure around it, put that VI into your main vi - and voila - all dynamic VIs are in the hierarchy. The second advantage is: if you use typedefs, etc in your main VIs hierarchy, wich are also used in the dynamic VIs, the typedefs in the dynamic VIs are automatically updated, if you change your typedef. The same happens, if you save a SubVI with "save as ..." because all VIs are in memory and are changed automatically .... cheers, CB
  19. thanks, that was error. I have attatched the working llb, if someone wants to move the Frontpanel Panes to 0:0 from the tools menu, this little tool may help. cheers, CB Download File:post-885-1159187552.zip
  20. thanks, for the tip! unluckily it did not work. the error 1004 (the VI is not in memory) occurs at the node "App.MenuLaunchVI" in the VI "Get Menu Launch VI Ref". Has anyone an idea, why or how to get the reference to the Menu Launch VI? Obviously there has to be a way (how else could NI start actions from the tools menu on selected VIs ...), but it seems to become difficult to find out how ... thx, CB Download File:post-885-1159171963.zip Download File:post-885-1159171983.zip
  21. Hi Folks, I'm going into production with LV 8.2 - therefore some of my tools (allmost all ...) have to get a little code review. Because I'd like to start them from the "tools" menu, I use the Application.MenuLaunchVI Property of the Application Object to determine, which VI has "called" the Tool. I know, that there is a issue with unsaved VIs and I can accept that, but with LV 8.2 it seems, that the Application.MenuLaunch Property sometimes works, and sometimes not. I can not figure out why? Has anyone an idea, why, and what could be a workaround? thx, CB Download File:post-885-1159118206.llb
  22. #5 if you create a new local variable it sticks to the mouse pointer :thumbup:
  23. #4: if you switch the view of an indicator / a control from label to caption, the label is automatically invisible! that's pretty cool if you think crelf is sitting the whole day in front of his browser and hitting the "refresh" button on the "view new posts" page ... you are wrong. You can use RSS to get new posts automatically delivered to your Outlook (Express) etc ... cheers, CB [P.S. it's ME who is sitting the whole day .... ]
  24. it are the small things, that make you happy and improve your every day workflow! 1. Start up time of LV 8.2 is great * 2. the missing VI dialog (e.g. because you have changed the filename) accepts VIs with a different name then the original one! (great!!) 3. if you have minimized all VIs with "windows+M" and open one from the task bar, only this one opens - not all! to be continued ... * ok, I have not jet installed any module at all ...
  25. hmm .... no. I expect NI either to bring in a feature which is ready for release or leave it. NI can't expect me to be a "volunteer" in an "experiment" (I wasn't in the beta programm at this time), because I paid for it and I expect therefore that it works properly. I am in production, my customers demand, that I do my best to deliver the best sofware I can, and so do I to my distributor. You don't buy the brandnew model of BMW and accept, that there are stone hard seats ... you expect it to be better, faster, use less fuel, have a better sound system, etc, that's why you buy a new version. I'm not willing to pay for struggle, there is enough for it in my life - for free 100% ACK - I was in the beta programm for LV 8.20, too (If I rant that much, I have to do my best to support NI do make it better ...) but compared to my normal work, I had only a small amount of time to test LV 8.2 beta ... cheers, CB
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