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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Peachy, thanks for asking! Shaun's idea is a good start, but you need to be careful about your users just dragging their mouse over controls and firing events unintentionally. You requested simple, and since it sounds like your users are click-happy, "simple" involves a "Go" button. The user gets finishes clicking on a control and hits the Go button. Monitor all your controls and keep track of which one was changed last. Send a message with the value of that control. This also has the benefit of not requiring monitoring anything but changes -- the required value can be typed in and not clicked-to. More controls can be easily added by just appending them to the monitor event case. Too simple?? send msg on control update.vi
  2. That's good, because I wasn't really sure how you were going to get what I thought you were talking about to work... You said there may be dozens of controls. Do they all have to be updated before an event is generated? Or do you want an event generated after each control is updated?
  3. To be clear, you want to be able to ignore multiple increments/decrements until the user stops clicking, but keep count of all those increments/decrements so that the appropriate value is put in the control? So if the control starts at 10, the user clicks on increment 30 times, after the user stops clicking increment the control goes from 10 to 40. Yes?
  4. Deleted: B&W vs. color pics My first reaction when seeing them side-by-side was that color is not needed. It flows from left to right (init/run/exit) and top to bottom (event handler/executor) like I would usually set up this sort of design. Except... being a radical non-conformist ( ) I would put the init section in the 0 frame of a stacked sequence structure, the main code in the 1 frame, and the exit/cleanup code in the 2 frame. (I know, heresy, but I use a 1024x768 screen for my least common denominator target machine and don't have a lot of real estate. With a stacked sequence, my main body of BD code can use the whole screen and I don't have to scroll around. But I digress and really don't need to hear more about how evil stacked sequences are. I agree they can be horribly misused.) If I wasn't going to do the above design with a stacked sequence and didn't mind scrolling around, then Norm's colors would come in very handy for letting me know exactly what part of my very big block diagram I am currently looking at. So here's 1 vote for colors!
  5. is laboring on Labor Day.

  6. Exactly, which is why I sugested the poster send some code and description of what they wanted to happen, in case the solution is as simple as what you suggest.
  7. If setting the default value is really the only way to do what you want to do, then Antoine is right, the best way is probably to write/read it from a configuration file. But if you're not really sure, why don't you post your code that you've got already, and a description of what you want to happen when. Someone here might be able to find some other way to help you make it work.
  8. Ooo. Can't wait to get that one when I'm 400' under the ocean...
  9. Sorry, yes I have 8.6.1f1 and have no problem with the selection rectangle. When I ran 2010, it was "straight out of the box" with none of my customizations that I run with 8.6.1f1. Maybe that's the difference? If you don't figure this out, when I get some time I'll drop in all my usual menus and settings into 2010 and see if any of that helps. 2010 has not yet been approved here at work, so I can only run it on my home box.
  10. Yes! Just ran 2010 for a couple hours and that selection thing was driving me nuts. I use 8.6.1 all the time and don't have this issue.
  11. is back from vay-cay. Sigh...

  12. is off for a week on the shores of Lake Michigan. Yay!

  13. Cat

    Post NIWeek TYs

    Sorry about that, I waved to Francois as I was going out the door, but everyone was milling about at that point so I don't think he saw me. No ride for me. I walked back with Mark and his girls. I figured you would be heading out with the Party Group or I would have definitely stuck around and continued our conversation.
  14. Cat

    Post NIWeek TYs

    NIWeek was great! The hours are long (even for those of us who beg out on the post-post party partying ) but worth it. It was a little slice of heaven to talk LabVIEW over BBQ and margaritas with people who know as much, and in most cases, even more about it than I do. The LAVA BBQ was lots of fun. Meeting those of you who have just been names on my computer screen for so many years was awesome. Thanks to all of you who put that together. I want to send a special thank you to a few people. First of all, thanks to François, Jon (jgcode), and Mark for letting me tag along with you practically everywhere. Of course it meant I couldn't hide in the back of the room during the sessions like I would usually do, but that was a Good Thing! Second, thanks to the Chick Posse, Nancy, Crystal, and Lisa (and Norm! ) for including me in the girl stuff. It's great to know there are other LV girl geeks out there! I have only two regrets: 1) Michael was about to reveal all the intimate secrets of using LVOOP for TCP messaging when I had to head back to the hotel 2) I never did get that used napkin from Yair Oh well, maybe the Geek Gods will smile upon me again next year and I'll be at NIWeek 2011. Thanks again, all, y'all! Cat
  15. I'm almost afraid to answer this... It depends on what else is on your FP and what you're really trying to do. Are there multiple controls on the FP? How big do you want it to be expanded? Do you just want a mechanism to make the graph bigger?? In the simplest case, if there's only the 1 graph on it, then right-click on the graph, select "Scale Object with Pane". Then any changes to the FP size will also change the graph. If there are multple graph/controls, it becomes more difficult. Why don't you post a picture of your FP before and after resizing so we can get a better idea of where you're heading with this.
  16. Cat


    I'm suddenly sorry I even brought this up in the first place.
  17. I have quite a few programs with both Abort and Stop. Abort means "halt whatever you're doing, cleanup, and return to idle state to await the next command". Stop means "halt whatever you're doing, cleanup, stop the program, and make it go away ". If this is applicable in your situation, you can give them both.
  18. You can't beat the Hilton Austin for convenience. The charge for internet access in your room is a pain, tho you can sit in one of the comfy chairs in the vast lobby and get it for free.
  19. It would definitely be a challenge! But one of the things I got out of NIWeek is that I have to start thinking outside of my cozy LabVIEW 7.1 box. Taking this on would definitely do that.
  20. The up side of spending the time is that there will be more platforms added in the future. So if I take the time now, it will be automated in the future. If it's possible to do in the first place. Thanks, Ton! Yes, I will need to have to deal with deeply nested structures. If I go forward with this, I'll post those additions. Even if I can do this with scripting, you've started the parsing part for me. That will be a big help. That was my first thought when this was proposed to me. I know how to deal with dlls. But when I asked my C programming cow-orkers if they could make a dll for me, I just got back a blank stare. Of course, then I had to say that in LabVIEW, creating dlls is a piece of cake.
  21. I'm guessing the answer to this is "no", but thought I'd ask anyway, just in case... I'm (probably going to be) tasked to develop Yet Another data collector/analyzer. I'll be reading (via TCP) and parsing data from many different platforms. The main collection and analysis algorithms will be the same for all the platforms, but the "headers", to use the C term, that define the message formats will be different for each platform. There are around a hundred of these message types and the header files for them are already written in C. Is there any way, other than slogging thru each of them by hand, to turn the structures in C header files into clusters in LabVIEW (or whatever else might be appropriate)? I haven't played with scripting any, but might I be able to use that to generate this header code? It would probably take me longer to write the scripting code than to actually do the conversion by hand, but it would be a lot more fun. If the answer's "no" all around, then converting header files by hand might be a good project for one of my cow-orkers who's dying to take on some LV programming... [insert evil laugh]
  22. Cat


    I just noticed jgcode has hit 1000 posts. Whoo-hoo! Can't wait to see what you put in your customizable activity level...
  23. Cat


    My personal favorite authentic mexican food is sangria. I'll be there!
  24. 52290 4ALFRHGA Item dropping inside of structure even though pasting outside I'm hoping this means that a copied item doesn't just end up in the middle of the screen regardless of where you click on the BD to paste it. That is always annoying and occasionally difficult to recover from.
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