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Phillip Brooks

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Phillip Brooks last won the day on July 30 2024

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    LabVIEW 2020
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  1. Your JSON has patterns in it that infer lists/arrays of data that could be of variable length. This would be difficult to create with the native JSON functions in LabVIEW. I would suggest using the JSONText Toolkit - https://www.vipm.io/package/jdp_science_jsontext/?utm_source=vipm_desktop
  2. So this wasn't a question about cal standards, it has to do with receiving product from a supplier with per-DUT measurement values made by them that are serial number specific. The measurement values need to be transcribed into registers in our electronics. Right now they provide a toe-tag with multiple 2D barcodes that are scanned at test time. I want to find a standardized way to receive these values from the supplier. One way is to use EDI - https://www.cleo.com/edi-transactions/edi-863 EDI is all business related coding - I would use look up the data at test time instead of scanning tags. The tags get damaged or are lost and we also need it for repair. I've never come across anyone using this technique. If anyone has a proven method that doesn't involve CSV files and TFTP/Google/Box/Dropbox i'm all ears.
  3. Bump - This was dropped by others and now I'm being asked again for input. Anyone out there receiving discreet S/N specific measurement data from suppliers that needs to be transcribed into cal tables inside your product?
  4. My colleagues drank the cool-aid and did most of the things you reccommend against. There is one other person who also supports LabVIEW but mostly stand-alone 'experimental' setups with NI DAQ hardware that doesn't integrate with Python. Their one page instruction sheet is mostly about setup, not how to use the workflow other than "rebase, sqaush and create a PR". Also an encyclopedia of screenshots for configuring PyCharm settings 🤷‍♀️ I guess I just need to learn to drink cool-aid 🤢
  5. My development environment is fractured. All my LabVIEW code is in SVN. I need to use git to manage the Python modules that are called from LabVIEW. My group had a pretty simple process and I squeaked by. Now the modules are in a repository where all sorts of black/flake8 and pull request activity are making me crazy. I'm spending way too much time googling "how to" with git and end up breaking or losing my Python changes. Everyone tells me "Its easy if I use PyCharm" but now I just end up googling "how to git in PyCharm" instead (with worse results). My git expertise is almost zero and I use git from the command line under Windows.
  6. I remember something about a snippet storing the vi infon using image metadata and that hosts/portals often will strip image metadata because it is a vector for inserting viruses. LAVA seems to strip the metadata
  7. So I followed the link, and noticed that the snippet image includes a small icon when I hover over it. Click on that and I get a pop-up of just the image I can drag/drop that on my block diagram! Some snippets must be older and not work directly. If you go to here: https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/How-can-I-get-a-UTC-timestamp/m-p/4061558/highlight/true#M1165825 and drag/drop the 2019 snippet, it works directly. If you try to use the image below that (2016) it just gives you the link. If you click on the image (not the pop-out) you get what looks like the pop-out but can't drag/drop that. Use the pop-out arrow of the 2016 snippet and you can drag/drop that. I imagine there is an NI thread somewhere that documents this, but at thins point I feel like I'm debugging a Python module compatability problem.
  8. Haven't used snippets in a while but tried to import something today. The link below explains how to allow me to drag/drop. Unfortunately my company uses named user licensing and when I start LV as my admin user, I can't get a license. Oof... https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000001DqWxCAK&l=en-US
  9. Create a cluster prototype of the data and use the 'From JSON Text' function.
  10. You seem to be using the JSON API Library from the LAVA group. This forum is for the JSONtext library by JDP Science. To answer your question, the pretty JSON function you used internally stores the item names in a variant attribute. When the function calls Get Variant Attribute, an array of keys is returned with the names sorted. LabVIEW does this, not the writers of the libary. https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/labview-api-ref/page/functions/get-variant-attribute.html
  11. Do LLMs edit their posts to appear more human? 🤖
  12. You can also tell that my posts are not AI because I keep editing them 😅
  13. So a Google search shows this phrase on numerous pages at the top and bottom of the body text. Is this maybe some sort of tag or something to indicate that a third party is creating the new content (outsourcing of site maintenance?) Maybe some sort of a disclaimer that the data may not be accurate or complete; or maybe based on AI generated pages using pull request comments or requirements docs? I'm thinking AI because there is so much talk in general about identifying anything created by it.
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