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Phillip Brooks

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Everything posted by Phillip Brooks

  1. Cross-posted on NI http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...ssage.id=380475
  2. For all the beer drinkers...
  3. QUOTE (jpdrolet @ Jan 15 2009, 12:24 PM) There are two types of shortcuts; lnk and url Maybe my contribution to the Code Repository (Resolve Shortcut Path) will help ...
  4. QUOTE (jpdrolet @ Jan 15 2009, 12:24 PM) There are two types of shortcuts; lnk and url Maybe my contribution to the Code Repository (Resolve Shortcut Path) will help ...
  5. QUOTE (Rabbit @ Jan 15 2009, 10:47 AM) Looks nice! :thumbup:
  6. QUOTE (Rabbit @ Jan 15 2009, 10:47 AM) Looks nice! :thumbup:
  7. If you think about it, the tabs for the second and third rows would be covered when selecting the top row, hiding them and making them 'unselectable'?!.
  8. If you think about it, the tabs for the second and third rows would be covered when selecting the top row, hiding them and making them 'unselectable'?!.
  9. Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Mistakes LabVIEW programmers aren't as concerned as others about the security aspect, but these same mistakes can break your code ... Improper Input Validation Race Condition Untrusted Search Path Improper Resource Shutdown or Release Improper Initialization
  10. Apparently, this was a very convincing video! http://digg.com/apple/Blogger_Mistakes_Oni...cbook_Wheel_PIC
  11. Does anyone know if there is a vi.lib/ function, method, or property that can be accessed that will return the Context Help for a VI by file name? The file would not be loaded in memory, I want to supply the full path to the file only... I want to create something similar to the way a project will show the Context Help for a VI when you hover over the name...
  12. QUOTE (jdunham @ Jan 8 2009, 05:52 PM) Creating an unlimited sized queue in LabVIEW (or in ANY programming language for that matter) is BAD MOJO! http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_01_2009/post-949-1231501591.gif' target="_blank">
  13. QUOTE (crelf @ Jan 7 2009, 11:40 AM) In other news, Steve Ballmer announces that Microsoft will replace the existing keyboard line with something code-named "The Hole".
  14. I started playing around with DropBox before Thanksgiving. While I was at my parent's house over Christmas, I scanned some old family photos and uploaded them them via the DropBox web interface to my 'drop box'. I had already configured my home computer to mount DropBox in the "My Documents" folder and my wife asked me how I found time load the pictures into the computer when we got home It's a very simple interface, and offers 2 GB storage for free. I haven't experimented with it yet, but they also support revisions for files. It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. http://www.getdropbox.com I learned about DropBox from this blog.
  15. I started playing around with DropBox before Thanksgiving. While I was at my parent's house, I scanned some old family photos and uploaded them them via the web interface to my 'drop box'. I configured my home computer to mount DropBox in the "My Documents" folder and my wife asked me how I found time load the pictures into the computer when we got home It's a very simple interface, and offers 2 GB storage for free. I haven't experimented with it yet, but they also support revisions for files. It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux, and http://www.getdropbox.com
  16. QUOTE (alfa @ Jan 3 2009, 03:39 AM) What did one cannibal say to the other while dining upon a clown? "Does this taste funny to you?" Ba-dum-tsh!
  17. QUOTE (alfa @ Jan 3 2009, 03:39 AM) What did one cannibal say to the other while dining upon a clown? "Does this taste funny to you?" Ba-dum-tsh!
  18. I have a <user.lib> LLB that's about ten years old. It's been updated and recompiled without problems for all these years. During analysis for an upgrade (from LV 7.0/TS 3.0 to LV 8.6/TS 4.1.1), I discovered that several of the VIs contained in this LLB use non-standard names (contain /\<>? characters). TestStand 4.1 would go into an endless loop and hang when trying to load a step pointing to a VI in an LLB with a non-standard OS name. This was reported to NI, and is fixed in TestStand 4.1.1. I'm concerned about leaving these oddly named files 'as is'. I've read a few problems/rants on the NI forums with respect to NI's use of these non-standard naming conventions in LLBs, and have a fear (probably unnecessary) that support for the LLB may be dropped in a future version. So.... I can rename the VIs. All calling VIs will break, and all TestStand sequences will error when run. My sequence files are stored as INI text files, so I can perform a simple 'search and replace' to fix the calls. How can I programmatically replace calls to these sub-vis from within a vi? I've been poking around in the 'optional' App methods and properties, but haven't found much. The only promising thing was Linker:Read Info and Linker:Write Info. I renamed one of the offending VIs. I used Linker:Read Info and was able to evaluate a VI that calls the renamed VI. It appears that the Path and delimited name are the same for a VI that cannot be found. I know what the old name and new name will be, and they will have the same path. I plan to leave the renamed files inside an LLB for now, and if the LLB construct goes away or I want to start using source control, I will use the LLB Manager to convert the LLB to a folder and be done. There are references to the Linker: methods in the wiki entry for Pseudopath, but I can't figure out how the methods work
  19. Someone on the dark side mentioned the MiMo yesterday. They had the same idea as me (touchscreen use). There was a link to this review... http://technabob.com/blog/2008/12/01/nanov...ands-on-review/
  20. QUOTE (jdunham @ Dec 21 2008, 04:53 AM) MiMo 740 I ordered one of these last week. I'll share what I learn when it comes in. It can be powered by USB (no extra brick/wallwart) (This might be a cool display option for a PXI chassis if running under Windows! ) The technology is called DisplayLink. You use a driver and USB connection to drive a monitor. Instead of carrying an actual display, you could get a USB/DVI or USB/VGA adapter and then borrow a customer or site monitor as your second display.
  21. I think all your posts still exist, they're just not displayed under the Profile. Look under the options on the side menu to see all posts.
  22. QUOTE (Cool-LV @ Dec 21 2008, 08:17 PM) I think you've confused everyone by using the word 'translucent' (wikipedia). What you seem to be describing now are transparent regions. If you want to combine overlapping images with transparent areas, you would create a masks of the images to be merged... Use the Create Mask (not in base package) function.
  23. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Dec 20 2008, 03:38 PM) I don't know how to tag your post, but I feel compelled to do so...
  24. I'm upgrading a bunch of 7.0 code to 8.6. When I load a 7.0 VI that uses a case structure with a constant on the block diagram to disable code, LabVIEW converts the constant to a hidden control and reports a warning while opening. I think a constant causes the contents of the unused case to be optimized "out". If you're creating a new VI in 8.6 and have used a constant, maybe converting it to a hidden control will help...
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