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Found 7 results

  1. I'm excited to release ViPER ViPER is an Object Oriented design Framework that supports dependency injection and recursive object creation. Systems are assembled at runtime from a collection of pre-built components defined by an Object Definition Document. Please visit the project on GitHub https://github.com/kurtafriday/ViPER I've presented this framework at several GLA Conferences, for an overview and guidance please view. GLA 2021 https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/GLA_Summit_2021/Open_Source_ViPER GLA 2020 https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/GLA_Summit_2020/ViPER_-_A_LabVIEW_Dependency_Injection_Framework This branch of ViPER has been used by us to develop systems in regulated industries for several years, it's solid and reliable, however its windows only. I'm working on ViPER_WinRT which is compatible with Windows and RT and we have already used it for several systems. I'll be releasing ViPER_WinRT in the coming months. I'll work to get ViPER onto the VIPM Tools Network soon. I'm looking forward to the feedback and I hope you enjoy and get value from this framework. Ping me if you have any questions. kurt@medulla.net
  2. hi all i use GOOP to design object 1.i download GOOP by VIPM refer to attachement 1 2.i create two simple object ,and set relationship refer to attachement 2 3.it show error message refer to attachement 3 my question :how to solve the issue?
  3. My test group has decided to start using OOP (beyond LVOOP I hope). The question is should we use an OOP tool and which one: GOOP/GDS or G#? I'm quite biased as I have used GOOP for a number of years, but I'm trying make fair investigation. I also realize that the StarUML plug-in in G# could be very useful. Has anyone made or seen a comparison between GOOP and G#? Or do you have an own opinion? (Searching for the text "G#" isn't that easy...)
  4. Hi, Recently I have been trying to develop a set of classes for data aquisition (as the encapsulation makes other tasks easier) however I keep running into several issues (described below). I was wondering what you guys did for your OO DAQ systems. I've found a few presentations lying around on the net but their implementations do not seem to work when using DAQmx based measurements. I am trying to measure the inputs from two seperate instruments: (1) Torque Sensor (2) Encoder. Sometimes these instruments might be using a DAQmx analog input and other times a .DLL. My original thought was that I would have a parent class called Measurement with several functions (Initalize, Configure, Read Data, Close) that would be over-riden by its children Analog Input (DAQmx) and Digital Input (Seperate .DLL). There then would be (for example) an Analog Input object created called position and a digital Input object called torque. This seemed to look nice on paper, however it didnt work as my DAQs tasks need to be combined (you cant have several tasks on a single device.) As this didnt work, I approached it with a different setup. This time I had a parent class called Instrument that has two children Torque Sensor and Encoder. Again, things get tricky, as sometimes I might want to use an analog DAQmx task for both the Torque Sensor and Encoder. What is your typical OOP class structure like for DAQ? Thanks!
  5. I started a topic on the NI GOOP forums today about running out of memory when running the GOOP2 to GOOP3 conversion tool. I pared back my ambitions and got it to finish. However my code is all quite broken so I must not be taking the right approach. Background: We have been developing electronic test systems for radio astronomy receivers and their sub-assemblies since 2005. We started on LabVIEW 7.1 and settled on 8.6.1 with Endevo GOOP 3.0.5 as the production development environment. We did not want to change platforms until the project was through its construction phase. Now it is in operations/maintenance phase and we must, for obvious reasons, move to Windows 7 and therefore a more modern LabVIEW environment. We chose LV2013 as a recent standard to build on. I have 20-30 classes which are shared infrastructure for the different test systems, plus dozens more which implement specific devices or measurement sequences. So I am loathe to rewrite all of this from first principles. Does anyone here have experience with upgrading this scale of project to the latest / best tools to run under LV2013? What is the path of least resistance to get this done as painlessly as possible? What are the gotchas I should look out for along the way? Are there good resources I may have overlooked to help me understand the underlying architectural changes? I've been reading everythign I can find on this forum and the NI GOOP forum for the last few days but I'm still not clear what the implications for my code are with regard to, for example, GOOP2 object references becoming their GOOP3 equivalent. I can add specific examples of what I've found broken if that will help. Thanks so much for reading.
  6. We have released GOOP Development Suite 4.7 The main things are: [*]LabVIEW 2013 support [*]The creation of Property Node methods. [*]UML Modeller fixes for analysing Actor Framework classes Download it from www.symbio.com/goop ...or here: GDS 4.7 LV2010 GDS 4.7 LV2010-64 GDS 4.7 LV2011 GDS 4.7 LV2011-64 GDS 4.7 LV2012 GDS 4.7 LV2012-64 GDS 4.7 LV2013 GDS 4.7 LV2013-64 And here are some videos: GDS(4.5) Features Video Other Videos Contatct goop@symbio.com for questions. Thanks, Lars Persson and Mikael Holmström Symbio Sweden
  7. We have released GOOP Developmente Suite v4.5. Most important feature are: - Support for Actor Framework. Download installers for LV 2010 up to LV2012 and read more : www.symbio.com/goop Contatct goop@symbio.com for questions. Thanks, Stefan Davidsson and Mikael Holmström Symbio Sweden
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