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Timed loop bug - could someone please confirm

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I've run into this bug a few times now so I think it's real. I'd appreciate it someone could run the simple attached VI (LV 8.6.1) and let me know if you get the same error. I was getting this with LV 8.6.0 also.

The problem is that the Actual Start value (Current Iteration Timing from the Left Data Node in a timed loop) occasionally reports a huge value (18446744069414584318 or something like that). It seems worse when there are two timed loops running. There doesn't seem to be any consistency in when it happens so you may have to let the VI run awhile before it happens. In my tests though it always happened within a couple of minutes.



Download File:post-2786-1241793290.vi


Thanks guys for trying it out. I don't know what's different about my system. I have two different apps built into executables that have shown this problem on several different PCs so I know it's real. I've reported it to NI so we'll see if they can reproduce it.



NI has confirmed this bug. They had to let it run over the weekend so it's not surprising that no one else here saw the problem. I don't know what it is about my system that I see the problem so quickly. Just lucky I guess.


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