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I believe it was an old vampire movie that featured a scene where someone pointed out the garlic to keep vampires away. Another replied "there are no vampires around here!" and the first replied "see how well it works!"

Is that kinda like the Simpsons episode.


The end of that clip cut out early, Lisa then handed him the rock and took the money.

Also is anyone else surprised that a random clip from a random Simpsons episode 13 years old is on youtube?

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The American taxpayer owns that data and should have as much access to it as they wish. NASA refusing to disclose climate data is like NASA refusing to post images from the Hubble.

Or like the FBI not releasing all the information it has on me to the public :P

Is that kinda like the Simpsons episode.

An even older instance of the same joke on youTube:

OMG! Now the BBC isn't on board! I just don't know who to beleive anymore! I guess I should believe no-one :)

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An even older instance of the same joke on youTube:

OMG! Now the BBC isn't on board! I just don't know who to beleive anymore! I guess I should believe no-one smile.gif

Brain always works better after the coffee kicks in. The Fearless Vampire Killers, Roman Polanski, see this link


But the main reason I brought this up was to ilustrate that if the Climate rules kick in before we KNOW, the CO2 laws will be vrtual garlic to protect us from the Global Warming Vampire.


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But the main reason I brought this up was to ilustrate that if the Climate rules kick in before we KNOW, the CO2 laws will be vrtual garlic to protect us from the Global Warming Vampire.

Looks like we're too late: http://atwonline.com...l?storyID=18715

...under the provisions of the 1970 Clean Air Act, EPA is obligated to address declared pollutants. Jackson explained that the "premise" of the Act is that "once you know you have a pollutant and you know it's endangering public welfare, then EPA must act."
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Looks like we're too late: http://atwonline.com...l?storyID=18715


Even though I "knew that" it is terribly depressing hearing another inteligent person come to the same conclusion.

living up the the name "Nebulus" (what is he talking about now!)...

So the only hope for those of that fear the reprecusions is in the US court system to call into question the "commerce" clause of the contitution which if I undertstand correctly is what is being used to to give the authority to the US legislature to pass law to govern all issues where inter-state commerce is involved. The tenth ammendment has been ignored long enough. My wife will hate me for even thinking such a thought but, "I wonder how much it cost to bring an issue before the Supreme court?". Maybe if I start saving my allowance now... To think I once gave up my rights to defend what we have now. Who knows, maybe this will be enough to get some movement behind the idea of a new contitutional congress. Wait a minute! I still have reason to hold out hope.



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THe move by the EPA yesterday (I question the timing) that CO2 and five other green-house gases are now recognized as being harmful to humans. Under existing US law the EPA is now obligated to regulate these gases.

Will they?

I can't say.

But if they do we COULD find out who Cass Sunstien is and his out-look on the methane producing cattle we insist on eating.

[set Kring's Law = suspended]

The fermentaion of beer produces CO2 and COULD be regulated.

[set Kring's Law = active]

Well I know of atleast one brewery that is making biogas from byproducts from beer production :)

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I heard a report on the radio yesterday that the American Physics Society sent a letter regarding legislation regarding global warming. And I thought I would never have a good reason for writing them a check every year. yes.gif


PS LAVA just needs 32 more posts to exceed a U16 to represent the total # of posts!

Edited by neBulus
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Wow - there are over 30,000 American scientists that know enough about the greenhouse effect to reject the Kyoto protocol because "The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind"?!?! rolleyes.gif

I heard a report on the radio yesterday that the American Physics Society sent a letter regarding legislation regarding global warming. And I thought I would never have a good reason for writing them a check every year. yes.gif

I'd want to know what was in the letter before I'd consider that money well spent :D

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Wow - there are over 30,000 American scientists that know enough about the greenhouse effect to reject the Kyoto protocol because "The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind"?!?!

No, but there are 30,000 pounds of bananas.

I'm sorry, I have a very childish sense of humor sometimes.

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"The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind"?!?! rolleyes.gif

Any time a cabal of scientists (using dubious science at best) can manipulate public opinion and political decisions that affect billions of people that cost trillions of dollars it does indeed damage science and technology and the health and welfare of mankind.

Regarding the environment: have you ever seen a wind farm? Would you want to see wind farms in Rocky Mountain National Park? Would you want one in your back yard? Do you know how costly they are?

Do you drive a "green" car? Do you know how much more pollution is generated in manufacturing the batteries alone for a "green" car?

What about bio-diesel. Last I heard it costs more energy to manufacture bio fuels than we get. How can that be good for the environment?

Nobody in Washington is talking about nuclear energy. France gets better than 90% of their energy from nuclear. Modern nuclear plants are the most environmentally friendly (and certainly the most efficient) power facilities in world.

But no. Current administrations here and abroad are going to force us into a new Stone Age. We'll be "green" all right. (scoff)

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We had a quick discussion here about how Alpha hasn't been back since Lava 2.0, and we made the connection that Paul's posts are starting to resemble his (no offense Paul) So someone here has come up with a new name, and I think from now on we can all refer to Paul as "Paul Gamma"

On a side note isn't it rude to double post? What about triple, or quadrupole post? I realize this rule is usually in place to prevent people from asking for a bunch of stuff without allowing other users to give back first, just wondering if the rule still applies here.

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We had a quick discussion here about how Alpha hasn't been back since Lava 2.0, and we made the connection that Paul's posts are starting to resemble his (no offense Paul) So someone here has come up with a new name, and I think from now on we can all refer to Paul as "Paul Gamma"

On a side note isn't it rude to double post? What about triple, or quadrupole post? I realize this rule is usually in place to prevent people from asking for a bunch of stuff without allowing other users to give back first, just wondering if the rule still applies here.

Alfa (not "Alpha") has posted quite a few times since 2.0. As far as calling me "Paul Gamma" you can call me anything you want. But here my name is PaulG. cool.gif

And what do you mean by "double post"? If you mean posting more than once before someone responds I apologize. I didn't think of it as being "rude". I see it as a continuation of what I had posted previously. "Expounding" if you will. A small minority have complained that I have not provided enough information to make my case. I am simply providing further information as I find it. Besides, you know as well as I do that I'm not forcing anyone here to read anything I post.

I'm not an Alfa nor am I stupid. If I post here another 2, 3 or 10 times and nobody responds I'll get the message that this thread is dead and move on. I won't whine for cry about it. I have already done more for what I was wanting to accomplish (just bringing folks up to speed on the Scam that is Global Warming/"Climate Change") than I could have imagined. (Thanks, LAVA's worshippy.gif )

I haven't done the math, but I think I've gotten more up-clicks on this post than I have on all my other previous posts combined. Someone(s) here likes what I'm saying and what we are talking about.

This is the lounge. "Anything goes". If you want me to stop posting on this thread you can always take it up with the moderator. It wouldn't be the first time Micheal A. has brought to my attention something I posted on this thread because someone got their feelings hurt. shifty.gif ( nono.gif )

As long as global warming, I mean "climate change" is a topic of discussion in the real world I will probably feel the need to post something here from time to time. GW/"CC" is too important of an issue for scientists in general and programmers specifically.

As an aside, I spend a lot of time on other blogs/forums that have nothing to do with science but are more political in nature. For the most part my concerns about GW/"CC" are preaching to the choir. Here I get feedback from a lot of very intelligent folks all across the political and international spectrum. I find it rewarding and gratifying, whether someone agrees with me or not.

And Hooovahh, (just some personal advice) the next time you and some co-workers reach some conclusions and/or concerns about me and what I am saying here, I suggest you let the person with more seniority make the case here. In this case I am certain that person is not you.

We know what I am talking about. I have enjoyed your posts here and want to keep bantering here with you. I would not want this (or any) response to possibly hurt your feelings, either and possibly get me into trouble (again) with the moderator. Fair enough?

I rest my case.

Edited by PaulG.
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I haven't done the math, but I think I've gotten more up-clicks on this post than I have on all my other previous posts combined. Someone(s) here likes what I'm saying and what we are talking about.


star.gif Mega-Kudos to you Paul for keeping the thread updated. I do not have the time to do the research and your posts are very helpful. I also feel you are performing a public service by keeping this thread alive.

Speaking for myself, I wish I could say more or express my thought better. I see the myth ( I though long and hard about that word and until the numbers are published, or other knowlege surfaces, I have a hard time accepting it as a fact) of GW/CC as a threat to mankind (as stated in the waring linked above) and therefore am obligated to do what I can to raise the alarm.

Whenever the emporer king parades around naked someone has to have the intestinal fortitude to say he "has no clothes".



Another quote by Thomas Jefferson


All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.


see here


Edited by neBulus
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Alfa (not "Alpha") has posted quite a few times since 2.0. As far as calling me "Paul Gamma" you can call me anything you want. But here my name is PaulG. cool.gif

And what do you mean by "double post"? If you mean posting more than once before someone responds I apologize. I didn't think of it as being "rude". I see it as a continuation of what I had posted previously. "Expounding" if you will. A small minority have complained that I have not provided enough information to make my case. I am simply providing further information as I find it. Besides, you know as well as I do that I'm not forcing anyone here to read anything I post.

I'm not an Alfa nor am I stupid. If I post here another 2, 3 or 10 times and nobody responds I'll get the message that this thread is dead and move on. I won't whine for cry about it. I have already done more for what I was wanting to accomplish (just bringing folks up to speed on the Scam that is Global Warming/"Climate Change") than I could have imagined. (Thanks, LAVA's worshippy.gif )

I haven't done the math, but I think I've gotten more up-clicks on this post than I have on all my other previous posts combined. Someone(s) here likes what I'm saying and what we are talking about.

This is the lounge. "Anything goes". If you want me to stop posting on this thread you can always take it up with the moderator. It wouldn't be the first time Micheal A. has brought to my attention something I posted on this thread because someone got their feelings hurt. shifty.gif ( nono.gif )

As long as global warming, I mean "climate change" is a topic of discussion in the real world I will probably feel the need to post something here from time to time. GW/"CC" is too important of an issue for scientists in general and programmers specifically.

As an aside, I spend a lot of time on other blogs/forums that have nothing to do with science but are more political in nature. For the most part my concerns about GW/"CC" are preaching to the choir. Here I get feedback from a lot of very intelligent folks all across the political and international spectrum. I find it rewarding and gratifying, whether someone agrees with me or not.

And Hooovahh, (just some personal advice) the next time you and some co-workers reach some conclusions and/or concerns about me and what I am saying here, I suggest you let the person with more seniority make the case here. In this case I am certain that person is not you.

We know what I am talking about. I have enjoyed your posts here and want to keep bantering here with you. I would not want this (or any) response to possibly hurt your feelings, either and possibly get me into trouble (again) with the moderator. Fair enough?

I rest my case.

I'm sorry Paul lately I've found your posts offensive and frustrating but I won't tell you to stop posting, and I'm not going to report you, you can post what ever you want.

I've never been one to argue because I'm not good at it. In many arguments the "winner" is the one who complains the loudest and hurts the feelings of others the most. I don't see very many reasons to yell, and I definitely don't see a reason to hurt other peoples' feelings.

If you want to make this argument about my seniority I suggest making a new post since it would be off topic. My seniority is low, and it is not the first time you have taken a personal jab at me with this argument. But what I don't understand is why you would find it more productive to attack your fellow engineers on a personal level, rather than defend the argument this topic was created for. I also don't understand what my seniority as a software/electrical engineer has to do arguments on climate change, or even a observation of similar stying posting between two individuals.

I can post just as many articles online claiming that global warming is real, as you can that it isn't but I'm not going to post them because I can't defend their integrity or their data and neither can you. I see you're posts just as useful as googling "global warming hoax", while my argument is to google "global warming facts" and have the individual decide.

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I also don't understand what my seniority as a software/electrical engineer has to do arguments on climate change, or even a observation of similar stying posting between two individuals.

I'll take that one further and say that not only is seniority as a software engineer irrelevant to discussions in the Lounge, but also that such seniority is irrelevant to discussions about software engineering.

Are junior people not allowed to voice their opinions? Are they not allowed to have good ideas?

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Are junior people not allowed to voice their opinions? Are they not allowed to have good ideas?

And here I thought what was being suggested was some sort of nefarious plot by Senior Management to make the Underling do his dirty work. Tho considering the Senior Management allegedly involved, I can't imagine he'd really want/need someone else to do that. He's always seemed willing to irk people all on his own. tongue.gif

(Crud! I promised myself I wan't going to post to this thread anymore!) frusty.gif

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And here I thought what was being suggested was some sort of nefarious plot by Senior Management to make the Underling do his dirty work. Tho considering the Senior Management allegedly involved, I can't imagine he'd really want/need someone else to do that. He's always seemed willing to irk people all on his own. tongue.gif

Seeing how this whole topic seems to be related to conspiracy theories, could you raise your "nefarious plot" to "conspiracy theory"? Maybe Hoovah is really Crelf's alter-ego, which he uses to irk people? :ph34r::o

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Ok people - break it up. Mike already warned everyone to stay on topic without attacking each other.

LAVA is an open forum and we try to let everyone have their say, irrespective of our personal views - but personal attacks are never appropriate on LAVA, and are grounds for post deletion, account suspension and possibly more.

I suggest everyone take a deep breath and cool it for a while. Then, if you're still interested in the topic, come on back and continue posting on topic, but if you're not interested in the topic then do your best to ignore the thread.

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