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Trick for Icon Editor

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Hi All

I don't know if you know, but there is a simply way to rotate a symbole when you place it on icon under icon editor.

After symbol selection, you just have push R key (one or few time) (90° each time) before release left mouse button.

Fun :lightbulb:


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Hi All

I don't know if you know, but there is a simply way to rotate a symbole when you place it on icon under icon editor.

After symbol selection, you just have push R key (one or few time) (90° each time) before release left mouse button.

Fun :lightbulb:


You can also use the F key to Flip the image about the Vertical Plane.

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Hi All

I don't know if you know, but there is a simply way to rotate a symbole when you place it on icon under icon editor.

After symbol selection, you just have push R key (one or few time) (90° each time) before release left mouse button.

Fun :lightbulb:


Which version??

Apparently not in LV 8.6 :(...

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Hi All

I don't know if you know, but there is a simply way to rotate a symbole when you place it on icon under icon editor.

After symbol selection, you just have push R key (one or few time) (90° each time) before release left mouse button.

Fun :lightbulb:


I don't know what my hands are doing when that happens but I have been suprised to come back to a icon and find the header has been flipped upside down.


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I don't know what my hands are doing when that happens but I have been suprised to come back to a icon and find the header has been flipped upside down.


1) Open Icon editor.

2) Select symbol tab.

3) Click left on one symbol.

4) Move it under icon drawing windows to see it.

5)Press R or F key to rotate or flip.

6)Release left mouse click to fix symbol on layer.


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