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how to upload .png into labview


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If you're a newbie, you should definitely try the LabVIEW Help. There are tutorials but also a huge archive of all you're looking for starting in LabVIEW.

If you don't find it there, start by searching the forums for the answer before posting.

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is there anything i can do so that the uploaded image will stays on the VI.. i need to do this image to run the simulation.. is it possible to make a 3D simulation using LabVIEW?

I suggest you re-read my response on your other thread asking exactly the same question.


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is there anything i can do so that the uploaded image will stays on the VI..

Yes you can copy the image and paste it on the front panel and resize as needed, this is more like a decoration a cannot be changed when the software is running.

i need to do this image to run the simulation..

How can an image run a simulation. An image as described above is a static element and can't be interacted with or perform anything.

is it possible to make a 3D simulation using LabVIEW?

Yes, search LabVIEW help for 3D.

The more you post on LAVA the more I think you are mistaken about what LabVIEW is. It is not CAD it is a programming language, you write applications with it. Some of these applications can be 3D modeling but any kind of program.

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