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Are LabVIEW Variant attributes accessible in C?


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I have Created a dll that takes a variant pointer and sets the value to a string. Its very simple... But i want to easily move information to and from LabVIEW with very little overhead. I was wondering if there was a equivalent C api for Get/Set variant attributes? 


cviauto.h has many variant related functions that work well for manipulating data inside the variant but i can't seem to access the attributes.

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I have Created a dll that takes a variant pointer and sets the value to a string. Its very simple... But i want to easily move information to and from LabVIEW with very little overhead. I was wondering if there was a equivalent C api for Get/Set variant attributes? 


cviauto.h has many variant related functions that work well for manipulating data inside the variant but i can't seem to access the attributes.


You have a misunderstanding here. LabVIEW really knows two variant types. The ActiveX variant which is supposedly what you also can interface to with the cviauto.h file and the native Variant. When you pass a native variant to a Call Library Node configured to accept an ActiveX variant, LabVIEW is converting from one to the other which in fact means creating a complete copy of all the data inside. However ActiveX variants do not know attributes in the sense as the LabVIEW variant does. So those attributes are not only not converted but can not be passed in a meaningful way along with the ActiveX variant and are therefore simply not present on the ActiveX side.


While you can pass a native variant to the C code with the Adapt to Type configuration in the CLN this doesn't buy you anything since the C API to access the native variant data is not officially documented by NI.

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