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Seeing a Malleable VI (.vim) implementation

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We've lost something useful in the "official release" of Malleable VIs (.vim files aka VI Macros) in LabVIEW 2017.  In previous versions, because VIMs were built around XNodes, then you could right-click the XNodeWizardMenu to look at the Generated Code given a particular wiring.  There's no such option in 2017, even with the appropriate LabVIEW.ini keys.  Is there another ini key that provides a similar functionality again?  I find it a useful check that the VIM is coded correctly.  The closest is to "Convert Instance VI to Standard VI", however that removes the VIM.

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1 hour ago, Aristos Queue said:

The convert to standard is the only mechanism. I have intentions of opening up the instance VI, but I've run into some *fascinating* historical code... malleables will get a nice power kick in 2017 SP1 and some potent assist features in 2018, but opening the instance won't be in 2018 at this rate (seeing as how I need to be feature complete on the 18th). In the meantime, convert to standard and then hit ctrl+z to put the malleable back. Suboptimal but it does work. 

Yes, that's what I've been doing, and it's ok, though suboptimal as you say.  I'm looking forward to seeing the development of Malleable VIs - I've held off on trying to convert some of my XNodes to VIMs, but if things stay fairly stable, I'll have to give it a go.

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  • 5 years later...

I posted an idea on the idea exchange on viewing a vim's instance VI, but it looks like that ability was added to LabVIEW at some point (by AQ?). The labview.ini token allowOpenFPOfInstanceVIs changes the behavior of the Convert Instance VI to Standard VI option to instead open the instance VI. I'd been using the convert to standard / ctrl+z method but it's very easy to forget the ctrl+z bit. This token is much more useful.

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