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Error -2147217900 in Execute Query.vi after repairing Office 365 (?)

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Hi All, Long-time lurker, first-time poster here.

As the title (hopefully) implies, I have an issue connecting to a database I've created. 

The problems started this week after coming back to look at the project after ~3 months. I know I had to repair my Office 365 installation last week and I'm wondering if that could be the cause but other than that I'm at a complete loose end.

Microsoft support say it's a LabVIEW issue, NI support say it's an MSDN issue. The official NI forum, after looking at similar posts, was even less helpful. So I thought I'd come and see if the nice guys at LAVA had experienced a similar issue.

I'm aware that the error code is a generic one and has multiple causes but I am simply writing a "SELECT [column] FROM [table];" statement to an 'Execute Query' vi. The error returned from my sanity checking vi is: 

(Code -2147217900) NI_Database_API.lvlib:Conn Execute.vi->Untitled 1<ERR>ADO Error: 0x80040E14
Exception occured in Microsoft Access Database Engine:  in query expression '[UserID]'. in NI_Database_API.lvlib:Conn Execute.vi->Untitled 1

The connection string returned is (without line breaks):

User ID=Admin;
Data Source=T:\PROJECTS\02-ACTIVE\119888 RF Power upgrade\Database\RFPU.accdb;
Mode=Share Deny None;
Jet OLEDB:System database="";
Jet OLEDB:Registry Path="";
Jet OLEDB:Database Password="";
Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=6;
Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode=1;
Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;
Jet OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1;
Jet OLEDB:New Database Password="";
Jet OLEDB:Create System Database=False;
Jet OLEDB:Encrypt Database=False;
Jet OLEDB:Don't Copy Locale on Compact=False;
Jet OLEDB:Compact Without Replica Repair=False;
Jet OLEDB:SFP=False;
Jet OLEDB:Support Complex Data=False;
Jet OLEDB:Bypass UserInfo Validation=False;

The BD for my sanity check looks like this:


I'm using LabVIEW 2016 32-bit on a W7 Dell Ultrabook with Access2013 as part of our Office 365 installation. BTW the query executes fine in Access2013. Is that enough info?




Edited by ChuckBorisNorris
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No joy I'm afraid. The link took me to an Access2010 runtime which failed to install, probably because I already have Access2013 installed.

Looking back at the problem, I doubt this would have worked anyway since I have no issue connecting to the database and closing the reference at the end. It almost looks like a syntax error in the query but the query is so trivially simple... (quick look at original post), yep, nothing extreme going on here.

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On 11/29/2017 at 6:29 PM, ChuckBorisNorris said:

I'm aware that the error code is a generic one and has multiple causes...

(Code -2147217900) NI_Database_API.lvlib:Conn Execute.vi->Untitled 1<ERR>ADO Error: 0x80040E14
Exception occured in Microsoft Access Database Engine:  in query expression '[UserID]'. in NI_Database_API.lvlib:Conn Execute.vi->Untitled 1



Error -2147217900 is an SQL syntax error: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P83sSAC

Also, your error message points out that the engine doesn't like the expression '[UserID]'.

What happens if you try the following queries? What error does each query give (if any)?:

  • SELECT UserID FROM [Operator];
  • SELECT UserID FROM Operator;
  • SELECT * FROM [Operator];
  • SELECT * FROM Operator;
Edited by JKSH
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12 hours ago, ChuckBorisNorris said:

I have tried all of the above (and without the ; as well), all give me the same error.

They give the same error code, but what about the detailed error message?

With your original query, the toolkit complained that it wasn't happy "in query expression '[UserID]'". What did it complain about in the other queries?


12 hours ago, ChuckBorisNorris said:

Surely you can agree there's nothing wrong with the original syntax though, and like I said, the query functions fine in Access2013.

I do agree with you that your syntax is valid.

I was hoping that trying different syntaxes and studying the toolkit's response will yield some insight into why the toolkit is tripping up. Even though the query functions fine in Access 2013, we don't know that the Database Connectivity Toolkit passed your query as-is to Access 2013.

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The error message is the same, the only difference is either  "in query expression '[UserID]'""in query expression 'UserID'"  or  "in query expression '*'". The rest is the usual blah blah about undefined error codes.

Is there a way to check the call as it goes into Access?


I have a W7 (Windows 7) installation.

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On 11/29/2017 at 11:29 AM, ChuckBorisNorris said:

I know I had to repair my Office 365 installation last week and I'm wondering if that could be the cause

Have you since tried reinstalling? Repair might have skipped repairing the database driver.

Other than that, there are a few clues on the web which indicate that the error code is caused by some invalid character in your query:




Since that is clearly not the case (unless you have some weird zero-width character in your query), you should try reinstalling the software.

You could also try running your VI on another machine to see if it works or not.

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So, thankfully there were no zero-length characters in the query string.

I've just done a complete uninstall/reinstall of Office365 and the problem still persists, just to confirm that I've tried this avenue.

A bit more info: The built application, when accessing the same database from a different machine on the same network has no issues. The error is only reported on my machine.

So the syntax is correct when sent from one PC but not the other, maybe that's a clue?

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1 hour ago, ChuckBorisNorris said:

So the syntax is correct when sent from one PC but not the other, maybe that's a clue?

It's a good sign. At least you can be sure that it'll work if you wipe your machine and install it from scratch :)

If you still want to figure out which part is causing your issues you'll have to eliminate factors one-by-one. Here are a few things you can try:

  • Log-in with a different user account and try to access the database
  • Copy the database to your local drive and try to use it with your application
  • Create a new database that has the necessary tables and try to use it with your application
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On 12/4/2017 at 10:12 PM, ChuckBorisNorris said:

I've just done a complete uninstall/reinstall of Office365 and the problem still persists, just to confirm that I've tried this avenue.

A bit more info: The built application, when accessing the same database from a different machine on the same network has no issues. The error is only reported on my machine.

So the syntax is correct when sent from one PC but not the other, maybe that's a clue?

So a "good" installation of LabVIEW's DB toolkit and/or Office 365 are happy with your query. This suggests that something is different about this installation... but uninstalling/reinstalling hasn't repaired it so far.

I'm curious: You mentioned Office 365 and Access 2013. The current default version for Office 365 is Office 2016. Did you deliberately install Office 2013 via Office 365 (which requires jumping through some hoops, IIRC)? Or did you install the non-subscription version of Office 2013 separately from Office 365?

Anyway, one more thing you can try is to compare DLL versions. When the exception pop-up dialog appears, use ListDLLs or Process Explorer to see which DLLs are loaded (full paths and version numbers). Do the same on your "good" installation, and see if you can spot a difference.

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I downloaded the process explorer mentioned above and saw that there was one Access-specific dll missing between the good and bad applications: ACEES.dll.

I copied this over from the good machine into the correct folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14 on my machine, it may be different for other people) and everything appears to be running smoothly.

Thanks JKSH, yatta!

P.S. How do I mark this post as solved?

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18 hours ago, ChuckBorisNorris said:

there was one Access-specific dll missing between the good and bad applications: ACEES.dll.

I copied this over from the good machine into the correct folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14 on my machine, it may be different for other people) and everything appears to be running smoothly.

Thanks JKSH, yatta!

P.S. How do I mark this post as solved?

Interesting. I can't think of a reason why the DLL's missing (or why reinstalling doesn't bring it back), but you're welcome and I'm glad to hear you've found a solution!

I don't think this forum supports the "mark as solution" feature.


20 hours ago, ChuckBorisNorris said:

I didn't decide our company's policy on Office installations so I don't know how or why we have Access2013. Is that relevant?

It caught my attention because currently, Office 365 installs Excel 2016, Access 2016, etc. by default. I thought that perhaps reinstalling Office 365 didn't help you because your copy of Access 2013 was installed separately from Office 365.

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Looking a bit further into it, I think the missing DLL was actually part of the Access run-time which I notice is installed separately. If I had repaired/uninstalled that then maybe I could have avoided all this hassle.

To anyone who has this particular error in the future, check to see if the Access run-time engine is installed separately (Start > Control Panel > Programs & Features) and if so, try fixing that first.

Our companies Office installation is a bit weird apparently, even the IT team think so. 

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