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When was the last time you heard some say "sy-mul-tain-e-us" (simultaneous).

Errrr - isn't that the way everyone says it? Or is the other way just an Americanised thing?

I'm not so sure that the phonetic pronnunciation changes because of time, but more due to geographic location (which then, in turn, bastardises other regions) - as a physicist, I like a metre to be a metre, irrespective of its' geographic location nor its' existance in time, so I'd prefer the dictionary to be a standard (there should only be one dictionary - there's only one English, right? ;) )

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Errrr - isn't that the way everyone says it? Or is the other way just an Americanised thing?

I'm not so sure that the phonetic pronnunciation changes because of time, but more due to geographic location (which then, in turn, bastardises other regions) - as a physicist, I like a metre to be a metre, irrespective of its' geographic location nor its' existance in time, so I'd prefer the dictionary to be a standard (there should only be one dictionary - there's only one English, right? ;) )

After reading the post by Gary and yourself, I am learning that it must just be a Pittsburgh thing.

I feel like such an "arse". :(


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:D To me, an ###### is a type of animal. It looks like the LAVA swear filter doesn't recognise "arse" - let's find out:


arse scratcher


Nope - looks good to me ;)

Looks like not only your mutiple "arse"s made it through the filter, but your single "######" did too. :P

For what it is worth... :D

I'm ready for a :beer:

-Pete Liiva

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...as a physicist...

Speaking of which, what's the background of most people in the forum? I am also a physicist (at least that's what the diploma and business card say, although it's often easier to tell people I do software development).

Are most LAVA users engineers of some variety or another? EE's?


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Speaking of which, what's the background of most people in the forum? I am also a physicist (at least that's what the diploma and business card say, although it's often easier to tell people I do software development).

Are most LAVA users engineers of some variety or another? EE's?



Perhaps you could open a topic in this lounge with that as the subject? Might be that some in the forum might "filter out" this thread, one way or another. Seems like a topic very deserving of its own thread.

-Pete Liiva

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1850 (or was that 1940?).
Now there's a true dyslexic. :book:
as a physicist, I like a metre to be a metre
Or maybe a meter, as your current environment would spell it? ;)
Looks like not only your mutiple "arse"s made it through the filter, but your single "######" did too.
That's because y'all are Premium Members, and can cuss all you like (even though "######" has already been official cleared as a legitimate word by the highest authority (American TV). :D
God Evolutionist: I'm evolving towards my highest limit
So, you're going with the "Thou art god" vibe. I grok that (or maybe I Grok Spock? :blink: ).
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you can eat bears, too ;)

In the interest of some Monday morning bad taste:

A bear walks into a bar and asks for a beer. The bartender replies, "Sorry, we don't serve no beer to no bears in this bar."

The bear asks again and is again told, "We don't serve no beer to no bears in this bar."

The bear then says, "See that lady at the end of the bar. If you don't sell me a beer I'm going to eat her."

The bartender again replies, "We don't serve no beer to no bears in this bar."

The bear gets really angry, and, true to his word, eats the lady comes back to the other end of the bar and says, " Now will you sell me a beer?"

The bartender responds, "We don't serve no beer to no bears in this bar, especially no bears on drugs."

Indignantly, the bear says, "What do you mean on drugs?!?"

The bartender answers, "Well, that was a barbiturate!"

insert Benny Hill music here

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is he finally gone from Canada..

Did the secret police pick him up??

I'll have to call my Jewish friends and send them after him ;)

Shame.... My Romanian friends say they don't want him to return to Romania.. I guess Belgium should be fine.

Man... When I read his posts, it's like being on a bad drug trip...l. Woow... this dude must have tojken a lot of dope as a baby..

Chill dude... chill... 97% OF THE poPyulLation is NOtw a sEcrET POLliCE,... wOOOWWW.. My eyes... I see tripple, now!!!


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