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Don’t expect to understand I AM CREATING GOD.

You have to know very well Kundalini Yoga.

When I worked at Honeywell I asked the smartest (a Korean engineer who was teaching karate) person to look at my website. After couple days I asked him what he saw there, and he was very angry because he saw on my website: I AM CREATING GOD.

He asked how I can say this thing and I told him let me to explain, but he left the place very upset.

That’s why I decided to explain in my book I AM CREATING GOD.

When I saw him I realized how dummy my co-workers are. This was a prove that 97.73% is write.

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It would be a pity if I would only be at animal level ;) We all like to think we're much better than animals. But maybe we're not that different in our stuborness.

It's about religion and that's always a difficult thing to talk about. People feel connected with what they believe in. Then, if you say something "bad" about their sacred things, they themselves are also insulted. People have been bashing in each other's heads for these things for many centuries. And the first (self declared) atheists (amongst whom Freud) were not really welcomed either. So it's sensitive material. We can agree and disagree professionally on technical stuff, but if we disagree on our beliefs many people consider it becoming personal.

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QUOTE(alfa @ May 30 2007, 09:08 AM)

...When I saw him I realized how dummy my co-workers are. This was a prove that 97.73% is write....

Don't expect anyone to take that as a proof of that you are creating God :blink:

A bit like the story:

There was an old man driving alone down the highway when he got a call from his wife on his cellphone . "Henry!", she said. "You better be careful. I just saw on the news someone on that road recklessly driving the wrong way!"

Henry looked out his window and said" I think there was something wrong with that report, Martha. It's not one car. It's all of them!"


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QUOTE(yen @ May 30 2007, 07:52 PM)

So, looking at it from either way, we shouldn't buy Honeywell stuff?

I have a central heater here that also supplies the warm water, from what I think is a french brand. I used to have a problem with the warm water getting cold after a few minutes. For routine inspection there came a guy from a plumber company and after a minute of looking at the machine he had established that everything was ok. So I told him it was not ok and there was a problem with the warm water after a few minutes. He explaned that he only had to check that everything was ok and he had seen it was. I explaned I did not completely agree with that. So he opened the warm water and saw it coming out warm and he again concluded it was ok. I almost got angry and told him it only occured after a few minutes. It was as if he just did not want to believe it. I almost had to guard the tap with my life to prevent him from closing it too early to prove it went cold after some time. But indeed it went cold. Now he was very surprised. It appeared that the water became cold after a few minutes... Hmm.

What surprised me next though, was that he actually could fix it. He temporary removed a sensor and said he had to put in a new one and he would have to order it. We had a small but nice conversation and he told me about his son that was studying. He had seen some of the electronics stuff in my house and told me his son studied something in computers. And that he could not follow any of it. He was actually a nice chap once you got over the first bumb. Then he understood I could also plug in the sensor myself and he said it wasn't officially allowed that the customer plugs it in and everything, but the company would send me a sensor. I turned from almost angry to quite happy with the solution.

I still have not received the new sensor yet after two years but I have stopped calling after a couple of months. The systems works like a charm however. Heating systems can be very strange.


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QUOTE(alfa @ May 31 2007, 02:38 PM)

I said what I was thinking about the manager to a prostitute engineer there and I lost my job.

If only the RSS feed had an "ignore member" feature - I wonder if I can do that natively in my outlook since I use RSS Popper...

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QUOTE(crelf @ May 31 2007, 10:50 AM)

If only the RSS feed had an "ignore member" feature - I wonder if I can do that natively in my outlook since I use RSS Popper...

Sure... configure a custom view for the folder the RSS posts dump to (View > Arrange By > Custom; then turn on a filter...) :rolleyes:

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QUOTE(Jeff Plotzke @ Jun 1 2007, 01:02 AM)

Actually, that wouldn't work - because people like us keep replying to his posts, so I'd see all of those anyway. I'm thinking of filitering out this whole thread... (and now Jeff's looking over my shoulder to show me how to do that...)

QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 1 2007, 01:30 AM)

Actually, that wouldn't work - because people like us keep replying to his posts, so I'd see all of those anyway. I'm thinking of filitering out this whole thread... (and now Jeff's looking over my shoulder to show me how to do that...)

Awseome - it worked ( :thumbup: thanks Jeff! ) See you later guys - I'm not going to be able to see any more posts in this thread! It's been fun, but it's time to leave...

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The Pope and Dalai Lama

I consider that a spiritual leader have to bring something new in spirituality.

Religious leaders are not capable of something new; they follow the traditions, the old rituals…

To bring something new in spirituality is more difficult than to bring something new in science for example.

The concept what I brought I AM CREATING GOD helps to understand God…

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In the Bible it's creation, half of the world say that it's true; for Dalai Lama it is evolution.

They don't agree on the basic things; what do you expect for politicians to understand?

This is another proof that 97.73% are at animal level.

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QUOTE(alfa @ Jun 7 2007, 12:18 AM)

In the Bible it's creation, half of the world say that it's true; for Dalai Lama it is evolution.

They don't agree on the basic things; what do you expect for politicians to understand?

This is another proof that 97.73% are at animal level.

I beileve that if I got in a time machine and went back 6000 years and expalined the big bang theory to the first guy I met. By the time I got back to the present the story would sound a lot like the creation story from Gen 1,1.

Re:Evolution Those details were left out.

They are just differnt versions of the same event.

Re: Creating God

From your view point, how did space and time come to be?


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QUOTE(alfa @ Jun 7 2007, 12:18 AM)

In the Bible it's creation, half of the world say that it's true; for Dalai Lama it is evolution.

They don't agree on the basic things; what do you expect for politicians to understand?

This is another proof that 97.73% are at animal level.

Equating 98% of people with animals is not a very effective way to make friends. :wacko: Stick with LV. Or find a more appropriate forum for your arrogant, elitist and shallow-minded ideas.
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If you'll look at my website 6000 years ago you were an animal; this means you can not tell anything to anybody.

You can not go with the physical body back in time.

Anyway you need only to go tomorrow in Kentucky or Romania and people will tell you that God created the Universe 6000 years ago in the first day of creation.


you are telling me what to write, this is only a prostitute job. We are not equals in evolution and nothing is wrong with it.

What is wrong is to be a prostitute, when people see they can not perform, they are shallow-minded, they chose prostitution.

It's a resonance among prostitutes; for example in Canada all the Romanian prostitutes got a house, I didn't get at least a driver license there.

If aliens are checking the level of evolution of president Bush and president Putin they realize high level people have a "hard time" here on earth, and they realize 97.73% are low level people.

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QUOTE(alfa @ Jun 11 2007, 12:54 AM)

... paul,

you are telling me what to write, this is only a prostitute job. We are not equals in evolution and nothing is wrong with it.

What is wrong is to be a prostitute, when people see they can not perform, they are shallow-minded, they chose prostitution.

It's a resonance among prostitutes; for example in Canada all the Romanian prostitutes got a house, I didn't get at least a driver license there.

If aliens are checking the level of evolution of president Bush and president Putin they realize high level people have a "hard time" here on earth, and they realize 97.73% are low level people.


Throughout history great evil has been done by the "superior"-minded against others by equating them with "animals". I'm glad you're only a LV programmer. If you were in a position of real power I would be fearing for the human race. One question: if 98% of us are "animals", who (or what) are you?

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