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determine datatypes in a cluster

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hello everybody,

in my thesis project i try to build a generic SubVI that analyze an existing cluster and the bundled datatypes and translate any datatype into a string so that we can write the items of an multibox list. (required an 2-D-array of strings). If the data structure of the cluster well known, than it is easy to do it with a case structure and different convertations. I am wonder if it is possible to read a cluster an analyze the datatype to make a decision witch type of convertation we have to choose. We try to create so to say a more generic solution.

I am looking forward to your replies!


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Get a reference to the cluster, then get references to "Controls []" - then (looping over each control) check out the "ClassID" and/or "ClassName" properties.

EDIT: TobyD beat me in posting AND added a code screenshot - talk about an overachiever! :D

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QUOTE (TobyD @ May 5 2008, 06:08 PM)

This is a little simplistic -- it will only work if the cluster only contains a flat collection of basic LV panel objects. The more generic solution would require recursion, so that any contained structures (clusters within the cluster, arrays, etc.) would be drilled into and analyzed also. For guidance, a good starting point to better understand this challenge (and some great code to learn from) is in the OpenG Toolkit: the Variant Config File VIs perform a lot of these very operations.

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QUOTE (cmay @ May 6 2008, 12:39 AM)

Continuing on this topic... is there a property that tells which type of numeric the control is (i.e. whether it's an I32, DBL, etc.)?


I would try and play a little with GetClusterInfo.vi, GetArrayInfo.vi and GetTypeInfo.vi found in <vilib>/Utility/VariantDataType/VariantType.lvlib

The VIs in there aren´t documented very well, but you should be able to get the needed information with those out. (Beware... trying to traverse a complex structure programmatically can be tricky :wacko: )

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QUOTE (cmay @ May 5 2008, 07:39 PM)

Continuing on this topic... is there a property that tells which type of numeric the control is (i.e. whether it's an I32, DBL, etc.)?

If you haven't changed any default values for limits, you could use the "Data Entry Limits" property to determine which datatype by correlation with expected value for each datatype, but I don't think there is a direct way. Maybe there is something accessible with VI scripting (see Rusty Nails forums), but I haven't found it yet...

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QUOTE (Sebastian @ May 5 2008, 09:21 PM)

In your vi.lib/Utility/VariantDatatType folder you will find all kinds of useful vi's for poking around at the datatype of a variant control. Disentangling the datatype of a cluster is a little tricky since you have to handle things like clusters of clusters and clusters of arrays of clusters....

Attached is a quick hack that will give you a string describing the type of any control wired to the variant, including working down arrays and clusters recursively. It doesn't handle refnums, but you can get the basic idea...


Download File:post-3951-1210079267.vi

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I think it is important to note that the Class name and the Data type are not the same thing especially when dealing with numeric controls.


Download File:post-584-1210175033.vi

I along with help from Aristos, developed a vi that helps categorize a control or indicator into a generic cluster so it can be compared to others.

It is discussed this in this thread

Here is the code that does the categorizing.

Download File:post-584-1210175521.zip

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If you just care about the type of data including differentiating the type of numeric DBL, I32 etc have a look at the Open G VI "Variant to Header Info". See the attached front panel and block diagram.

If you want to handle clusters or arrays in clusters etc you will need to add recursion.



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QUOTE (Karissap @ May 8 2008, 02:33 AM)

OpenG :worship:

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