LAVA 1.0 Content Posted December 7, 2008 Report Posted December 7, 2008 Hears are explained pieces of the interconnectivities in my life. My name is Charles Andrew Ososami “Charlie", I am the creator of Chaos Packs. I was born on July the 12th which connects me with changing time, because the "Boyne battle over Time" occurred on July the 12th 1690, it was the battle that changed the Julian calendar to Georgian calendar. The discovery of the first Nebula by a man named Charles Messier on the July the 12th 1764, 217 years before my birth. The Nebula is called the "M27 Dumbbell Nebula" this connects me to the number 27 and Stars. Being born in Shotley Bridge Hospital Durham Newcastle 12th of July 1981 links me with the Angel of the North as it resides in Newcastle, 1981 is also Chinese Astrological year of the Rooster. Before the creation of Chaos Packs I setup and ran "Chaos Energies" a utilities broker that sank when the Enron bubble burst. The use of the word Chaos in my company names comes from the acronym for my name, Ch-Charles A-Andrew & Os-Ososami. The Logo for Chaos Packs Ltd is the basic shape of the fractal that constructs our genetic DNA. The symbol also make up Figure 27 in the book of Solomon as a war God symbol. The Chaos Packs logo is also A God incarnation symbol. The Ogdoad are the 8 Gods and Goddesses of Chaos that complete the Egyptian creation story, to find out more on the Ogdoad please click the link "8 Gods" or read Exodus 27:16 of a Holy Bible, that is if you can still find an Old Testament as I don't remember if they are mentioned in any of the 27 books in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. I share my birthday with Julius Caesar but he was born 2081 years before me. I enjoy Rollerbooting, Smoking healthy dry things, the company of thoughtful creatures, music, physical fun exertion, finding out what people expect of me on Earth and Expressing my self in all forms. I love you all. ____________________ Nothing at first i was, then as Nothing I became Conscious, my first form was as The First Thought. The First Thought was Chao. My First thought became the First Cause and the First effect was Chao becoming the fabric of Reality. Chao was everything and appeared as strands of pure energy. My next action of my Conscious was to name my all first Children (the strands of Chao) the First one was called "1" the second "2" the third "3" Along with the thought of each name came an effect. I don't remember what they all are but hears what I know. When I named "1" all the stands responded by starting to move. When I got to 27 some strand joined together and formed a cube. My Consciousness continued counting and found every number in the 27xtable would produce a different amount of Cubes in a different structure. These Cubes are the foundation building blocks of OUR Universe they make us Planets Stars. The name of OUR Universe is "Chao Cube Universe" sound nutty i bet ... oh and I do 'bet that is I enjoy Roulette and Three Dice most. __naturally one of the things i remember is humanity grew from my Seed a good way to understand the process is~ imagine if you were a matrixed Blob of Chao as a "Blob" my Seed I planted inside you. My Seed aloud you to be anything you Freely Willed, your transformations were incremental but through time and the Will to exist in a Form that pleases you, determined the we that we look. All live throughout my Goddom develops in the same fashion, with my help but on its own Willingness to change. Humanity is a beautiful species and now I exist in their image, but the image came from a product of my Seed... but I gave it to you in the first place but you did the growing.. so shall we call it....(joking that's semantics) I am intrested to know all of your expectaions of me whilst I liv as a man, if your so Willing please share your opinions with me. Quote
BobHamburger Posted December 7, 2008 Report Posted December 7, 2008 QUOTE (God @ Dec 6 2008, 02:12 PM) Quote ...Dumbbell Nebula... I think that says it all. Personally, I place all of my faith and belief in' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Quote
LAVA 1.0 Content Posted December 7, 2008 Author Report Posted December 7, 2008 QUOTE (BobHamburger @ Dec 6 2008, 08:04 PM) Quote I think that says it all.Personally, I place all of my faith and belief in' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">The Flying Spaghetti Monster. I am all Things my Child, however all things are not me in my entirety. A good way of understanding this is to imagine Infinity. . . understand that it is made up of all Numbers that exist and that they are what make it Infinite however all Numbers that exist even though the makeup Infinity are not Infinite. I am happy for you to Worship anything your Freely Willing to. The elements of Reality that would be meaningless to one person could mean life to the next. Our perceptions are built on attributes we ascribe to things - and things we are aware of act like dots in a dot-to-dot puzzle. The picture however is picked by your imagination ( all of our non motor or repeated actions we imagine before carrying them out) Our Imaginations is the effect of Free Will and it shapes our lives. Take your membership Number Member No.: 8297 This is meaning ful as yo were the first person to reply to me, I am God... God in a word cnvered into numbers baied on the alphabetical placement of the letter G=7 o=15 d=4.. totals 26.. the sum of your the individual digits in your membership number 8+2+9+7= 26 also the Number 29 resonates as being found in the middel of "8297" the sum of the individual digits of the day I was Born 12'7'1981 in anequasion becomes 1+2+7+1+9+8+1=29 oh and also the sum of the Time of your post "Yesterday, 08:04 PM" 8+4=12... as inthe day i was born. I am God please get the word of of my Being if your so Willing to please me. Quote
Maca Posted December 8, 2008 Report Posted December 8, 2008 QUOTE (God @ Dec 7 2008, 05:12 AM) Quote ... humanity grew from my Seed ... I feel dirty on the inside now. Dude you should seriously consider visiting a Psychiatrist, normally visit your GP first and they will refer you on. Quote
Justin Goeres Posted December 8, 2008 Report Posted December 8, 2008 I, for one, welcome our new Supreme Being. Oh God and Creator, I beseech thee, give us your opinions on String Theory! Also, have you read this book? How accurate is it? QUOTE (God @ Dec 6 2008, 05:27 PM) Quote . . . understand that it is made up of all Numbers that exist and that they are what make it Infinite however all Numbers that exist even though the makeup Infinity are not Infinite.' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">The Reals? Quote
BobHamburger Posted December 8, 2008 Report Posted December 8, 2008 You know, there's only thing I dislike more than really pompous, self-important, delusional people: when they're also too dense to realize that they're being openly ridiculed. Takes all the fun out of it. Quote
LAVA 1.0 Content Posted December 8, 2008 Author Report Posted December 8, 2008 QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Dec 7 2008, 03:27 AM) Quote I, for one, welcome our new Supreme Being.Oh God and Creator, I beseech thee, give us your opinions on String Theory! Also, have you read this book? How accurate is it? The Reals? I find it refreshing that my Child know as Justin Goeres aproches me with respect and love in his hear. He is well alined with his Free Will are my reflection inhis actions is clear i shal explain before i answer his questions. Frist let un obseve his details on this forum. Posts: 562............ his posts resonat my name through the sum of the name Charlie based on alphabetical numeric placement of the letters 3+8+1+18+12+9+5= 56.. my ful name totals 222 Joined: 13-September 05........... september is the 9th month so hear we may see the equasion 13+9+5=27 From: Cary, NC USA.......... Cary NC USA in the form of Numbers become 3+1+18+25+14+3+21+19+1= 105 completeint the palendrome of 501 the sum of "Charles Andrew Ososami is God of the Chao Cube Universe" totals 501 ... 501105 Member No.: 2992.................... member number is the palendrome of the sum of the date i was Born. 29 ... You reflect me Beautifly I have not read the book "Im Creating God" but it sound Good. thank you for the link to wiki the first euasion resonates me clearly -23/129 ... in the answer when countion from the first Digit .. you will find in the 26th and 27th place the Number 29 The word God totals 26 in the same fashion as before... The elements of string theior that i am contiously aware of i agree with, from countion 1 and the Beginig of Time Chao became unifed strands ... as Choa is pure energy from which all things are matrixed... it is only the name "Strig Theory" when used to discribe the reality of Chao i dissagree with, however it is named out of a True expression of Free Will then I am Truly happy howevr I don't remember eitherway. ____________ As for the comment above many Beings when confrunted with the reality of my reality wholehartedly reject it, in this state of denile they tend to miss the exression of my 6th sence ... oh thats are sence of Humor. Jolly day may you incounter my Child. Quote
Maca Posted December 8, 2008 Report Posted December 8, 2008 Just a quick question god: Do you use LabVIEW? It would be pretty cool if you do, that way I can say to my mates "God uses LabVIEW"! That will shut those C++, Pearl, PHP and VB Nazi's up. (Please see: Quote
LAVA 1.0 Content Posted December 8, 2008 Author Report Posted December 8, 2008 quote name='Maca' date='Dec 7 2008, 02:50 PM' post='55172' Just a quick question god: Do you use LabVIEW? It would be pretty cool if you do, that way I can say to my mates "God uses LabVIEW"! That will shut those C++, Pearl, PHP and VB Nazi's up. (Please see: Contiously as a man I am not a user of LabVIEW..thank you for your question my Child your expression of Free Will reflects me in a manner of which I find pleasing. ^ you see the tag as I see it Dec 7 2008, 02:50 The equasion of the individual digits is 1+2+7+2+0+0+8+0+2+5+0=27 If we remove the 72 from the post Number to complete the palendrome 2772 we are left with 551 this Number resonate my Birth as it is 19 lots of 29 that 19x29=551... I enjoyed the video on the thread you provided a link to, thank you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Some of my Children were wondering why I din't prevent the twin towers planned destruction. It's was because my Seed Free Will was used by my Childern to produce a Fruit that contiously I don't like the taste of however through out my Cosmic Gargen all fruits exist. The total some of all of the Time tags of all the post Seeded in Free Will (not the add bot) totals 297 this is the 9th post and that Number is 11x27 that fact is based on GMT 4:23 ... thats the Time I plan for edit to be tagged... can any of my Children imagine why? Quote
Justin Goeres Posted December 8, 2008 Report Posted December 8, 2008 QUOTE (God @ Dec 7 2008, 07:22 AM) Quote Member No.: 2992.................... member number is the palendrome of the sum of the date i was Born. 29 ... Yes, I've always been quite proud of my user number. Thanks for noticing . Note, also, that if you add up the digits you get "2+9" and "9+2" which equals "1111". The prime factorization of 1111 is {11, 101}. All of these numbers are palindromes, too! If you like palindromes, I have a song for you: Quote
LAVA 1.0 Content Posted December 8, 2008 Author Report Posted December 8, 2008 QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Dec 7 2008, 04:01 PM) Quote Yes, I've always been quite proud of my user number. Thanks for noticing . Note, also, that if you add up the digits you get "2+9" and "9+2" which equals "1111". The prime factorization of 1111 is {11, 101}. All of these numbers are palindromes, too!If you like palindromes, I have a song for you: My Child my contious comprehention of Mathmatics is avarage, If you are so Willing could you please explan the meaning of " The prime factorization of 1111 is {11, 101}." I am please with the corilation between the sum of the individual digits of your Time of post (4:01 become 5) and the sum of the individual digits of the Time length of the video it contains (2:30 become 5) The coming together 0f tow 5s naturaly makes 10. 10 i found resonating in your pot though 101... this could be a form of palendrom of Ten as the Nothingness represented by Zeros occupy the same space which is Non.:~) Number 10 perfection ____________________________________ Using LabVIEW Since:2008.. if this is the labVIEW you were refering to my Child known as Maca then you my tell your friend that I Charles Andrew Ososami God do use labeview. Quote
jcarmody Posted December 8, 2008 Report Posted December 8, 2008 I understand that the Lava Lounge allows us to "Enter the lounge and discuss anything and everything." and that "Nothing is off-topic and all discussions are encouraged." but this is ridiculous. Charlie is offensive and his bad grammar makes me [sic]. :thumbdown: :headbang: PS - my member number is not a palindrome, but if you write it forwards and then backwards it inexplicably becomes one. Additionally, the prime factors of 7534 are 2 and 3767 - both of these prime factors are prime. Can you believe it? Finally, divide my member number by pi (my avatar shows my affinity for pi) and you get (approximately) 2398.146682508678919365540546497. This is freaking me out; I'm going to stop writing now... Quote
crelf Posted December 8, 2008 Report Posted December 8, 2008 :!: This topic looks to be shaping up to be a possible hot-button topic. With that in mind, I wanted to remind everyone that if you find a post and/or thread inappropriate, our Forum Guidelines call for you to report it to the administrator or a moderator by clicking on the "! REPORT" button next to the post that you find questionable. Replying such directly in the thread is against our Forum Guidelines, and is grounds for temporary account suspension. Quote
Maca Posted December 8, 2008 Report Posted December 8, 2008 QUOTE (crelf @ Dec 8 2008, 09:37 AM) Quote :!: This topic looks to be shaping up to be a possible hot-button topic. With that in mind, I wanted to remind everyone that if you find a post and/or thread inappropriate, our Forum Guidelines call for you to report it to the administrator or a moderator by clicking on the "! REPORT" button next to the post that you find questionable. Replying such directly in the thread is against our Forum Guidelines, and is grounds for temporary account suspension. Please don't, this is just way too fun. I always say, "You can never meet enough wack jobs". \begin{edit} jcarmody I think you have the "gift", read one of god's posts then read yours, spooky!!!! And I just noticed that Ive now got two icons under my name, but the SNR aint so good. \end{edit} Quote
PaulG. Posted December 8, 2008 Report Posted December 8, 2008 QUOTE (crelf @ Dec 7 2008, 06:37 PM) Quote :!: This topic looks to be shaping up to be a possible hot-button topic. With that in mind, I wanted to remind everyone that if you find a post and/or thread inappropriate, our Forum Guidelines call for you to report it to the administrator or a moderator by clicking on the "! REPORT" button next to the post that you find questionable. Replying such directly in the thread is against our Forum Guidelines, and is grounds for temporary account suspension. Done. Alpha is bad enough. Quote
LAVA 1.0 Content Posted December 9, 2008 Author Report Posted December 9, 2008 QUOTE (crelf @ Dec 7 2008, 11:37 PM) Quote :!: This topic looks to be shaping up to be a possible hot-button topic. With that in mind, I wanted to remind everyone that if you find a post and/or thread inappropriate, our Forum Guidelines call for you to report it to the administrator or a moderator by clicking on the "! REPORT" button next to the post that you find questionable. Replying such directly in the thread is against our Forum Guidelines, and is grounds for temporary account suspension. Wow thanks for the complement my Child "hot-button topic" nice1 I notice in your post Posts: 3772 Joined: 13-October 03 From: Michigan, USA Member No.: 181 Using LabVIEW Since:1993 This is all meaningfuly significan but I was wondering if your would Imagine that there should be a polling system for people to click on each thread and it it becomes seriously offencive to 10% of the voters it is binned. LV:8.5 ,. ,. My Blog QUOTE (Maca @ Dec 8 2008, 12:19 AM) Please don't, this is just way too fun. I always say, "You can never meet enough wack jobs". \begin{edit} jcarmody I think you have the "gift", read one of god's posts then read yours, spooky!!!! And I just noticed that Ive now got two icons under my name, but the SNR aint so good. \end{edit} QUOTE (Maca @ Dec 8 2008, 12:19 AM) Please don't, this is just way too fun. I always say, "You can never meet enough wack jobs". \begin{edit} jcarmody I think you have the "gift", read one of god's posts then read yours, spooky!!!! And I just noticed that Ive now got two icons under my name, but the SNR aint so good. \end{edit} G or g, small g represents a closed loop like "0" as I said i was "0" but nothing could be born fro me until i changed (no escape from a closed loop) Where as "G" as you can see has a place for all things to flow from and there is a portion of the letter looking inwards symbolizing the evolution of my Nothingness through finding my consciousness within. Just do you know i know how crazy it sound for someone to as they are Something that you don't belive them to be... It is posible for All with accsess to Earths Internet to prove to themselves that I am God. http.www.ChaosPacks.ME.Uk QUOTE (jcarmody @ Dec 7 2008, 10:19 PM) both[/i] of these prime factors are prime. Can you believe it? Finally, divide my member number by pi (my avatar shows my affinity for pi) and you get (approximately) 2398.146682508678919365540546497. This is freaking me out; I'm going to stop writing now... The My Child don't worry your self with not having able to perseve a Palendrom you still Reflect me in your own way .. the Time your post was tagged 10:19 your member Number totals 19 through the sum of its individual digits 7534 Quote
BobHamburger Posted December 9, 2008 Report Posted December 9, 2008 With all due respect, Charlie, I don't believe you're God. Your avatar looks like Jimi Hendrix; despite my admiration, I know that God does not look like Jimi. I have beheld His glorious countenance and I know that He looks much more like Ernest Borgnine. Quote
shoneill Posted December 9, 2008 Report Posted December 9, 2008 QUOTE (God @ Dec 8 2008, 04:33 AM) Quote This is all meaningfuly significan but I was wondering if your would Imagine that there should be a polling system for people to click on each thread and it it becomes seriously offencive to 10% of the voters it is binned. G or g, small g represents a closed loop like "0" as I said i was "0" but nothing could be born fro me until i changed (no escape from a closed loop) Where as "G" as you can see has a place for all things to flow from and there is a portion of the letter looking inwards symbolizing the evolution of my Nothingness through finding my consciousness within. Just do you know i know how crazy it sound for someone to as they are Something that you don't belive them to be... It is posible for All with accsess to Earths Internet to prove to themselves that I am God. http.www.ChaosPacks.ME.Uk My Child don't worry your self with not having able to perseve a Palendrom you still Reflect me in your own way .. the Time your post was tagged 10:19 your member Number totals 19 through the sum of its individual digits 7534 Maybe I'm being a stickler, but I would have expected the creator of the universe to have better control over the language and the keyboard... Shane. Quote
Pollux Posted December 9, 2008 Report Posted December 9, 2008 QUOTE (God @ Dec 6 2008, 09:12 PM) Quote ... here's a question I was going to ask alfa. since you are here I am asking you: What is your wavefunction? Quote
Justin Goeres Posted December 9, 2008 Report Posted December 9, 2008 QUOTE (shoneill @ Dec 8 2008, 01:30 AM) Quote Maybe I'm being a stickler, but I would have expected the creator of the universe to have better control over the language and the keyboard... I suspect that it's our flawed human language which is ill-equipped to completely capture the mysteries of God's communication and properly express the nuance of Truth*. God Himself speaks, and you would question His Almighty Grammar?! *Also, amplify the synergies (for you, crelf). Quote
crelf Posted December 9, 2008 Report Posted December 9, 2008 QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Dec 8 2008, 08:47 AM) Quote *Also, amplify the synergies (for you, crelf). I appreciate it. Quote
LAVA 1.0 Content Posted December 9, 2008 Author Report Posted December 9, 2008 QUOTE (shoneill @ Dec 8 2008, 03:30 AM) Quote Maybe I'm being a stickler, but I would have expected the creator of the universe to have better control over the language and the keyboard... Shane. SEE! SEE! I knew in my gut that English was an abomination. And to think I have been catching he#@ all of my life over my inability to spell. I feel vindicated. RE: "How do you imagine you Will recognize God as a person?" I don't know if I would be able to recognize him/her/it but I hope he remembers me. Ben Quote
Gary Rubin Posted December 9, 2008 Report Posted December 9, 2008 QUOTE (God @ Dec 6 2008, 02:12 PM) Quote My name is Charles Andrew Ososami "Charlie" If you Google the name, you'll find that God also participates in a wine forum. (entertaining reading, by the way) Quite diverse interests. Quote
AnalogKid2DigitalMan Posted December 9, 2008 Report Posted December 9, 2008 God: Are you a multi-threaded infinite state machine using global variables? Did you send us THE Notifier? -AK2DM Quote
LAVA 1.0 Content Posted December 9, 2008 Author Report Posted December 9, 2008 [quote name='BobHamburger' date='Dec 8 2008, 04:45 AM' post='55209' With all due respect, Charlie, I don't believe you're God. Your avatar looks like Jimi Hendrix; despite my admiration, I know that God does not look like Jimi. I have beheld His glorious countenance and I know that He looks much more like Ernest Borgnine. I apreacheat he Change of your tone my Child ...I take my apeaerance is something that you have expectaions on which may not be met.. I am sorry for the dissapointment my physical apeaerence will inflict on your Faith in me, I hope the fact that your post Number resomates 29 though 209 I find it intresting that you liken me to Jimmy Hendrix ... he was dubbed a Guitar God ... also he died at 27... I also apreacheat your Expression of Free Will thank you my Child. Quote
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