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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2009 in all areas

  1. Ken, The point Ton and I were trying to make is that you need to demonstrate that you've made an effort to solve this problem yourself. If you're asking for our help you need to explain what you've tried and where you're having trouble. You won't learn anything if we do the work for you. Besides, you won't even be able to recognize if someone gives you an obfuscated solution (which has happened on this forum). We don't know anything about you. For all we know you're a college student with a homework assignment and you're trying to get us to do it for you. If this was the case, and you don't learn the material, you may graduate and be hired by my company and be assigned to my team. I'd have to do your work for the rest of my life. I'm not interested in that. Jim Yes, or "I [shout C syntax] in your general direction."
    2 points
  2. I presented at NI-Week 2009 on a couple of paradigms for extending the LabVIEW Error Handling Core (as inspired by all your posting here). Here are the resources from that presentation (I didn't screencapture the examples, but you should be able to see what I was talking about from the video and the code that's included): NIWeek Session Video Presentation Slides.pdf Presentation Code.zip It's a hot topic, and I know a lot of people have strong opinions on it, so let's discuss!
    1 point
  3. I am homeschooling my kids as well. You can get a copy of the Student edition for homeschoolers, in fact NI encourages this. I teach a class to several homeschool kids. I talked to NI and with the help of my local rep, I was able to get some free copies of LVSE. granted they were LV8.2 but they were free. Here is a picture of my son with James Kring (He thinks James is a LV god) He wrote his first program when he was only 10 and his project for the class was to make a radar gun for hot wheels cars. We took a Hot wheels car ramp and some photo diodes (I think, its been a while) the kids had to write a program that read the start and the stop with a NI 6008 and calculate the time and how fast the car was going. Very neat project, they loved it. http://lavag.org/ind...ewimage&img=181 Hope this helps,
    1 point
  4. I reckon it's a poor assumption that crelf was trying to demonstrate a sarcastic emoticon. ps. Don't look at the filename, it ruins my quip.
    1 point
  5. I had to do something that sounds similar with a very graph-intensive piece of code. I was tasked with making 1 "uniform" interface for 3 groups that had their own completely different products. So even tho the basic layout was the same, some wanted a black background, some wanted white, some were very picky about what order the colors were for different plots, etc. This problem was compunded by the fact that User X could be running the code and User Y, with very different aesthetic requirements could be using it 5 minutes later. I ended up building a GUI where each user could go in, mess around with all possible settings, and save their preferences to their own ini file. The users were all a-gaga about it for quite some time and had fun playing around with it. I've noticed lately, tho, that after a year, most of them have migrated to just using the default settings. Cat
    1 point
  6. Your mother is a hampster, and your father smells of elderberries?
    1 point
  7. Hi Ken, could you post the code you have written allready? This looks like a homework assignment, and I don't feel like giving freebies. Ton
    1 point
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