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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2010 in all areas

  1. I finally took the CLD exam at NI Week 2010... and passed. Yeepee! A big thanks to all LAVAs for keeping me up to date in my programming style and best practices.
    2 points
  2. Name: Dispatcher Submitter: ShaunR Submitted: 07 Sep 2010 File Updated: 03 Jan 2011 Category: Remote Control, Monitoring and the Internet LabVIEW Version: 2009 License Type: Other (included with download) This is a Publisher/Subscriber implementation of network communications. The package is comprised of two main parts. 1. A Dispatcher that handles connection requests. 2. An API for interacting with the Dispatcher. Overview. Most people are probably familiar with RSS feeds. An RSS feed is an example of a publisher/subscriber implementation, where information is "published" onto the internet and people may "subscribe" to updates using their browser or some other client. A single published service may have millions on subscribers and publish its data every few hours as data changes or periodically, maybe once or twice a day. This package contains a similar implementation where a client "subscribes" to a "publisher", however, it is geared towards high bandwidth data streaming across a local network. So, unlike its internet counterpart, it is not attempting to service millions of clients who require an update once or twice a day. But service a few (maybe 1-10) clients every few seconds or even milliseconds. Detail: The main focus of this package is the Dispatcher which facilitates the publisher/subscriber environment. The implementation can support many network topologies that suit the developers requirements. For example: A single dispatcher may be located on a remote machine and all publishers and subscribers are remote and communicate through it (centralised). Alternatively, there may be many dispatchers on different machines, each with their own cluster of local services and the subscriber connects to the machine that contains the publisher of interest (decentralised). Or even a mixture of both. The implementation is not rigid and allows for the developer to choose the topology simply by installing once or more dispatchers and initiating a connection. An API is provided to enable interaction with the Dispatcher to query its services, request a connection and send/receive data. Additional Features: Supports data-stream encryption (blowfish). Installation: Unzip to a directory of your choice. Required Packages: Labview 9.0 or greater. Transport.lvlib (Included) Queue.vi (Included) Position Form.vi (Included) Stop.vi (Included) Elapsed Time.vi (Included) Known Issues. None. Versioning: Current version 1.0. See changelog.txt. Contact: PM ShaunR on lavag.org (http://www.lavag.org) Click here to download this file
    1 point
  3. I talked to Jervin: NI had let their package repository license expire so the LabVIEW Tools Network was down for a short while - should be all good now.
    1 point
  4. Everyone of course is free to use their own company name (or given name) as a category which goes without saying. But I'm saying it anyway. However a nice guideline would be to use the LAVA category as the main category and then you can put your branded category as a sub-palette of that if you like. The LAVA brand means something. We have an approval process and as time goes on we will be tightening this slightly. Possibly incorporating some of the LabVIEW Tools Network requirements as they apply to us. Being able to package your stuff and get approval to put your code underneath a LAVA palette category is special and is something everyone should be trying to do. Let's all keep working on moving forward.
    1 point
  5. It's definitely NOT possible. ActiveX is a monster that builds on Windows 3.1 OLE technology and making LabVIEW create ActiveX controls would be almost impossible. ActiveX Automation servers might probably work but why settle for such a crippled beast? As already mentioned you can create .Net assemblies but that is not a .Net control either. Making LabVIEW GUI elements embed into Windows .Net and ActiveX GUIs is only really possible on the lowest platform API level by embedding entire LabVIEW panels into other windows.
    1 point
  6. Do you know that you can do this: Cheers, Mikael
    1 point
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