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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2012 in all areas

  1. Hello, I use shortcut menus a lot, particularly for setting display options on graphs and charts. I have a pair of VIs that I use for this that leverages the variant data tools of OpenG, and I wondered if they, or something like them, would be a useful addition to OpenG. I’m not sure if they are quite right, but even if they are too specialized for my way of using menus, perhaps there are other more general VIs that exist for helping configure menus. So here they are for comment: The basic use case is shown in the top image; I have a shift register of program state parameters, including a number of options. When the User right-clicks on a control/indicator (a numeric in this example, but more usually it is a graph or listbox) the options are inserted into the shortcut menu via the VI “Add Items to Menu”. This VI can handle booleans, enums, and clusters thereof. The second image is the front panel and the pulldown menu that results. The third image shows the Shortcut Menu Selection case, where a second VI, “Change Variant by Menu Tag” (needs a better name) interprets the selected tag and updates the cluster of options accordingly. It also has a “Changed?” output that can be used to trigger redisplay with the new options. As I said, I’m not sure if these are general enough for OpenG, but perhaps someone else has a set of reuse menu VIs that might be more suitable. Menus are a UI feature that is very valuable, IMO, and they could do with some OpenG support. — James Shortcut Menu Utilities.zip
    4 points
  2. Since someone else will beat me to the punch if I try and wait for the software to be posted...here's the link to the LabVIEW 2012 beta announcement post at ni.com. Go ahead. You know you want to.
    2 points
  3. I will be at the Austin summit. I do not currently use OpenG.
    1 point
  4. I will be at both summits. I am interested in OpenG.
    1 point
  5. Surely* if it's a beta it should be called 2014b. Incidentally, here's a picture of an elevator control panel from China: Can you spot the problem? * crelf, don't even think about it.
    1 point
  6. Talk to each other. I'm serious. Team meetings are very important to minimize the risk of painful surprises. Decide who is working on which part of the code. If you have to change an interdependent module, talk to the developer who is responsible for that code.
    1 point
  7. I still haven't looked into the JKI solution, but here's what I got for a .NET wrapper: XslTransform LV10.zip There's a class in there with 4 methods. Apply Xslt.vi: This is a high level static VI. You don't need to know anything about classes or refnums to use it. Just point it to an XML document, an XSLT document, and give it a local file path to save the output to and go. Create.vi, Transform.vi, Destroy.vi: This is the lower level set of VIs that encompass the traditional create, reuse, destroy paradigm. If you plan on applying the same transform to multiple source documents, this is what you want to use since you only need to compile the XSL once using this method. Transform.vi is also thread safe, so you can have multiple processes spinning each sharing the same compiled xslt. That said, I'm not a fan of the .NET 2.0 XML implementation at all. This was a quick wrapper that was easy to implement, but produces rather ugly output compared to more modern tools. I continue to look for other libraries to use, currently examining Saxon. I really like the output the Altova tools I use produces, I have no idea what they use under the hood. The code I posted above is a VERY thin wrapper around .NET code. I make no claim to it, anyone is free to do with it as they see fit. -m
    1 point
  8. That link is a page explaining the net command. The user already knows what the command does. He's asking what the wcontrol service is, specifically. If I'm not mistaken, the wcontrol service is one of the services for Symantec's Enterprise AntiVirus, having to do with the CCM Server. Whatever that is.
    1 point
  9. I've booked flight and hotel two weeks ago, so I will be there in Austin! I've been using OpenG for a long time and will keep on doing so. It is standard in our pallets! If I need to work on a customer's system without it, first thing I do is install VIPM & OpenG.
    1 point
  10. Definitely Hmm 2013. The '13' doesn't sit well with me. If they name it 2012b I am in!
    1 point
  11. So I whipped up a little table that correlates the locations from 'Get System Directory.vi' and the Windows Installer variables (used with the built-in install builder) with Windows XP and Windows 7. None of the locations that you can easily get to via Get System Directory and Windows Installer are appropriate for a machine-wide config file. If you create the config file at run time instead of installing it, the Public Documents tag for Get System Directory will work. You can avoid having them show up in each users' My Documents folder by stripping "Documents" and appending "AppData\MyApp\MyApp.ini." It's not ideal, but it's workable. Windows 7 has a %PUBLIC% environment variable that maps directly to Users\Public, but that variable doesn't exist in XP so it's not much help with cross-os compatibility.
    1 point
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