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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2012 in all areas

  1. In rare cases the event queue can get muddled if the events are sent more quickly than the timestamp resolution can take care of. This leads to the events possibly being received IN THE WRO_NG ORDER. This is within the same event queue, and can be provoked even with the same event. It has been reported and apparently the timestamp will include a more robust mechanism in future to avoid this.... In this regard, the queue vs events comparison gets a bit weird as the order in a Queue CANNOT be muddled (AFAIK). Shane. Ps I'm still a big event fan though.
    1 point
  2. Me too. I was hoping someone would come up with a generic solution before I had to, as my first encounter proved it was a "non-trivial" problem. These were my thoughts about Json and LabVIEW in general from the first skirmish........ The thing about using variants (the feature that never was ) and clusters is that it requires a detailed knowledge of the structure of the entire Json stream at design-time when reconstituting and getting back into LabVIEW (not an issue when converting "to" Json). We are back to the age-old problem of LabVIEW strict typing without run-time polymorphic variant conversion. To get around this so that it could be used in a run-time, on-the-fly sort of way, I eventually decided that maybe it was better to flatten the Json to key/value string pairs (here I go with my strings again...lol) that could then be used as a look-up table. Although this still requires prior knowledge of the value type if you then convert a value to, say, a double - it doesn't require the whole Json structure to be known in advance and instead converts it to a sort of intermediate ini file which simplifies the parser (don't need to account for every labview type in the parser). In this form, it is easier to digest in LabVIEW with a simple tag look-up which can be wrapped in a polymorphic VI if "adapt-to-type" is required. It also means, but perhaps a bit out of scope for consideration, that you can just swap the parser out to another (e.g. XML).
    1 point
  3. Random thoughts on User Events versus Queues: — The event registration refnum is a queue, and it is more instructive to compare this queue to regular Queues rather than compare User Events to Queues. They have different extra features, but in basics they are the same; they serve up the enqueued items to one receiver in order. And one should not have more than one receiver per queue. — The event structure itself can receive from multiple queues. In particular, the statically registered events are in a separate queue from any event reg. refnum attached dynamically. The order that items are served up from different queues is determined by timestamp. This means that near simultaneous events placed in different queues cannot be relied upon to be received in order. However, items from the same queue will always be in order, which means one can use a User Event to reliably carry messages to a process. — A User Event can be thought of as an array of queues; firing the Event is the same as enqueuing to all the queues, and the Event Registration Node serves to add its queue to the array. When created, of course, the User Event is an empty array. Random random thoughts: — a “name” is a reference, the same as a refnum. — “subpaneling” is a silly term
    1 point
  4. Erm, Jack this is not technically correct. Once an event fires, the naked event refnum IS exposed as part of the data within the event structure allowing foolish of malevolent programs to destroy the user event refnum. I have an idea on the labview Idea exchange to remedy this but it has almost zero traction. Shane.
    1 point
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