We all know that Quick Drop is a good tool to make you faster, and in combination with shortcuts, you’ll be even faster.
To get all LV developer in my team to use the same shortcuts, I push the same shortcuts to everyone, but how do you remember all the different shortcuts?
To solve that I made a small Quick Drop Practice application, feel free to play and modify it so it suites you.
And if you have time to improve it, upload your version :-)
How it works:
It reads your current QD BD Shortcuts, and adds them to an array.
It then opens an empty VI BD and asks you to drop a VI (e.g. Build Array), on the BD.
If you haven’t figured out the shortcut within 5 seconds, it shows the shortcut so you can memorize it.
After it find the right VI on the BD, it deletes it and moves to the next shortcut.
Have fun.