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  1. 2 points
  2. James - I just used v1.0.3.16 in a small benchtop product test application, and I think it's fantastic. The API makes sense and is flexible enough without getting cumbersome for simple tasks. Great job! I did collect a few points of feedback that I'd like to share, though: Could you expose a read accessor for "database path"? It'd save me some effort when wrapping the API in higher-level classes. Could you remove ".lvclass" from the class Localized Name (in the Properties dialog)? It'll make class property nodes smaller on the block diagram. I would make the tunnel mode "indexing" on "Get Column Template Code.vi", since that's how it's used 99% of the time. Please put your package in <addons> or <user.lib>, not directly into <vi.lib>! This would be backward-incompatible, but I'd like to see the VI names changed so they're more "Quickdrop friendly". At present, there are names like:"(,,,) FROM.vi" which is hard to type "Get Column Template code.vi" which I think is confusing to read and remember "Open.vi", "Close.vi", Step.vi", etc. which are hard to discern from other libraries (and primitives!!!) whose palette items share the same simple names. Many (all?) of the VIs don't appear in QD unless the API is added to my project. This might be due to the API not living in <addons> or <user.lib>.
    2 points
  3. View File SQLite Library Introductory video now available on YouTube: Intro to SQLite in LabVIEW SQLite3 is a very light-weight, server-less, database-in-a-file library. See www.SQLite.org. This package is a wrapper of the SQLite3 C library and follows it closely. There are basically two use modes: (1) calling "Execute SQL" on a Connection to run SQL scripts (and optionally return 2D arrays of strings from an SQL statement that returns results); and (2) "Preparing" a single SQL statement and executing it step-by-step explicitly. The advantage of the later is the ability to "Bind" parameters to the statement, and get the column data back in the desired datatype. The "Bind" and "Get Column" VIs are set as properties of the "SQL Statement" object, for convenience in working with large numbers of them. See the original conversation on this here. Hosted on the NI LabVIEW Tools Network. JDP Science Tools group on NI.com. ***Requires VIPM 2017 or later for install.*** Submitter drjdpowell Submitted 06/19/2012 Category Database & File IO LabVIEW Version 2013 License Type BSD (Most common)
    1 point
  4. There is a symbolic path, [iNSTALLDIR], that you can use in the installation builder for this purpose. See attached.
    1 point
  5. Yes, Jack asked me to do some again. I promise I won't forget the lines to any this year.
    1 point
  6. If you created a TF model in Simulation module, and you do not want to create a new model and use some of the functions of the Control Design toolkit, if I am not wrong you could use it using that function you say. (CD Convert from Simulation to Control Design.vi). If the TF model you created is a continuous model, if I am not wrong, you can connect that model directly to the function and set the sampling period equal to zero. But then if the model you created is discrete, you may also do the same but this time putting in dt, the sampling period of the discretization. But, if the model you created is continuous and you want to use a discrete equivalent, you must set dt equal to zero in the conversion bewteen systems and then add a discretization function on the Control Design Toolkit, CD Convert Continuous to Discrete.vi because just putting a value nonzero of sampling time at the conversion is by no means a discrete equivalent of the model. Hope this works for you! Best Regards, Javi.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
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