I'm particularly looking into this (I'm also known as MattP on the NI forums, I work in the SE group like GoGators). From my perspective, it fills a gap that was partially filled by the AMC library (using same API for inter-loop and inter-node communication), network streams (automatic reconnect in background abstracted from the read/write, good performance), and shared variables (the pub-sub use case).
What it handles better, IMHO, is that it handles not just the reconnect, but also the initial connect and intermediate send/receive queues entirely asynchronously. It also easily handles N:1 or 1:N using several different transports. It's not so much the base set of patterns that are useful, but the combinations of them that perrmit complex problems to be solved with very small quantities of efficient code. Me likey.
Currently I don't see support for ZMQ on VxWorks, which makes usage on cRIO rather tricky, and I know it hasn't been tested on Pharlap but 'appears to work.'
I'm contemplating either liberally borrowing the design philosophy of ZMQ for my own comms framework (which would not be easily usable with non-NI tools but would permit NI-specific transports such as FPGA DMA FIFOs), attempting to port and test the C source over to VxWorks, or possibly to attempt a full ZMQ implementation in native LV code.