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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2014 in all areas

  1. Please do not double post. If you are unhappy with your first post you are welcome to edit it, or us the Report to Moderator button to get posts edited or deleted. On topic could you post some code of what you have. It's still a little difficult knowing what you want. You are saying what method can you use to move an item that the user selects up or down? Okay so I think I found what you were talking about, and I think I have a solution. I don't know if there is a better way of using it, but what it will do is find the parent of the current tag, then find all children under that parent. Then find within that list of children, where does our current tag exist. Then move that position. Alternatively you could allow the user to click and drag to move items around, but I admit that getting this to work the way you want can be a pain. Tree Move Item Up.vi
    1 point
  2. Yes, thank you. I copied the ini file and it seems work well. Thank you very much!
    1 point
  3. Just a reminder to every CLA to submit a 5 minute presentation idea to: michael.aivaliotis@jki.net for the 7x7 lightning round. You could win a free pass to NIWeek 2014 !!!!
    1 point
  4. Hello, I use shortcut menus a lot, particularly for setting display options on graphs and charts. I have a pair of VIs that I use for this that leverages the variant data tools of OpenG, and I wondered if they, or something like them, would be a useful addition to OpenG. I’m not sure if they are quite right, but even if they are too specialized for my way of using menus, perhaps there are other more general VIs that exist for helping configure menus. So here they are for comment: The basic use case is shown in the top image; I have a shift register of program state parameters, including a number of options. When the User right-clicks on a control/indicator (a numeric in this example, but more usually it is a graph or listbox) the options are inserted into the shortcut menu via the VI “Add Items to Menu”. This VI can handle booleans, enums, and clusters thereof. The second image is the front panel and the pulldown menu that results. The third image shows the Shortcut Menu Selection case, where a second VI, “Change Variant by Menu Tag” (needs a better name) interprets the selected tag and updates the cluster of options accordingly. It also has a “Changed?” output that can be used to trigger redisplay with the new options. As I said, I’m not sure if these are general enough for OpenG, but perhaps someone else has a set of reuse menu VIs that might be more suitable. Menus are a UI feature that is very valuable, IMO, and they could do with some OpenG support. — James Shortcut Menu Utilities.zip
    1 point
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