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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2014 in all areas

  1. Solution found. Apparently starting in LV 2013, there is a default limit of 512 to the URL length. The default limit may be overridden as described below. Martin This is Brian in Applications Engineering from National Instruments. I am following up regarding the 511 character limit in your Web Service HTTP request following the port number. After some research I've figured out that the issue is related to a default web server setting called "LimitUri," which limits the maximum length of a URL. The default setting is 512 characters which is why we are seeing this issue. There are multiple ways of changing the URL length limit depending on how you are using your web service. If you are publishing the web service using the Application Web Server then modify "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\NI WebServer\NIWebAppServer.conf" and add "LimitUri 4096" to the end of the file without the quotes. If you are running the Debug Web Server by just clicking start on the web service then modify "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2013\resource\webserver\niwsdebugserver.conf" and add "LimitUri 4096" to the end of the file without the quotes.
    2 points
  2. As MJE said, I don't think you can hide branches without rebuilding the tree. But you can close all the branches that don't contain the search query, and only open the branch that does, if that would be sufficient. Use the "Open/Close" >> "All" method to close all branches, followed by the "Open/Close" >> "Ensure Visible" method to open only the branch that contains a particular tag.
    1 point
  3. I love trying to understand lordexod's posts, they are like doing a cryptic crossword
    1 point
  4. Accessors, fields, data or lemons. It doesn't matter. The point I was trying to make is that if a user wants to modify/abuse my code to get the desired behaviour; they should be able to without editing it. By making it a protected rather than private lemon, they can and is making a conscious decision to do so by writing additional code rather than messing with mine. By all means "hide" data and functions. But don't lock them away so they need a crowbar to make it do what they want.
    1 point
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