This is nice but I have a few questions. So I noticed there isn't any documentation when the Context help is open. In the past I've used the GetHelp Ability and read the VI description from a template.
I would prefer that if a selection was chosen that was not in the range of items, that it would use the default data type for that data. So an empty string, or an empty array. This is more standard with the way NI does things too, like when indexing an array with a -1.
I'd also like a more recognizable icon, but at the moment I don't know what I would want it to look like. Maybe it could resemble the Select primitive some how with a question mark, and lines that merge to the output terminal.
Should all inputs be required?
The Select input terminal is a U32, which is then converted to a I32. Could this input just be an I32? I realize this means you would allow negative numbers but again I'd prefer this, and to have the output be default if this is the case.
Also what is the Select Mode options supposed to do?