Full disclosure I don't use the Actor Framework and am not a fan.
That being said, NI apparently did consult with many real world CLA's on how to make the Actor Framework. I don't know who in particular they consulted with, but the intent was to get the opinions of those that would end up using the framework, and try to understand the best way to make it.
Also if you are a CLA and have the opinion that the framework is UNREADABLE, then I feel there is something wrong here. Either the framework does need major overhauling, or maybe you need to look at some training on the framework. I'm not trying to suggest you aren't competent please don't read it that way. I just don't know how much you have invested in trying to understand the framework and certainly anyone new to it will feel lost (I know I do).
I often fall back into the QMH on a fresh install of LabVIEW, or the JKI state machine if I have a chance to install it. For larger applications I usually spin my own actor type design using user events and variants. I can't get over several things with the Actor Framework like the re-entrant actors, which make debugging difficult. Honestly it might just be how I think about my applications, but there is never a time when I would want to kill just a single actor. The only time an actor should close, is if the global quit was issued. With plugin architectures, and factory designs I can see a need, but that just isn't the world I live in.
EDIT: Just saw this crosspost.