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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2015 in all areas

  1. I've posted this before but I can't seem to find where now. This is a VI that will read the Windows registry and return the development, and run time versions installed, along with the "Current" version, which is usually the last development version opened. LabVIEW Versions Installed.vi
    2 points
  2. Okay attached is an example VI that I think does what you need. It will look for the screen coordinates to the Tick Count object on the block diagram. The only part I couldn't calculate is the width of the left edge of the window, and the height of the title bar of the window. Mine was 10px and 32px so I have them as controls but there is probably a way to figure out what this size is. Also I think we can assume the menu bar and debug buttons are always the same size so once this is determined once you won't need to recalculate it over and over. My code currently does this by removing these buttons then subtracting the difference in window size from when they were there. Get Object Position On Screen.vi
    1 point
  3. One thing that might help is you can hide the Menu and Button bar using a property node on the block diagram. I couldn't find one for removing the title bar, but I think that can be calculated. I think this is possible if there is a property to read the scrollbar position on the block diagram but I can't seem to find it. EDIT: Block Diagram Origin can give scrollbar position. I think this can be possible.
    1 point
  4. I think the solution depends on exactly when you want to do this. The obvious answer is to get the BD window properties and work from there, but this has the equally obvious problem of figuring out the size of the top section of the window. This might be workable if you can add a step somewhere in the process where you do this once (and would need to redo it if something changed). A less obvious answer is that the panel has a method for this conversion. The BD doesn't have a parallel method, but since the top section appears to be the same size on both, it should be possible to place the FP window in the same position as the BD window and then use that method and return the FP window to its original spot. Probably as ugly as it sounds, but I expect it should work. Again, it probably depends on when you want to do this. Maybe this will be not as ugly if you create a temporary VI to do this and move it to the bottom of the window stack.
    1 point
  5. So I know this is a few years old, but I wanted to update it. I stumbled across Altenbach's post here, about converting a 2D to a 1D array. So I combined his code to the code in this post and made two polymorphic VIs that support a few more features. From the 2D to 1D it has several more polymorphic types, and supports concatenating by rows or columns. From the 1D to 2D it has several more polymorphic types, supports specifying the number of rows, or number of columns to make, and supports iterating over rows, or columns when splitting. I wanted to make individual icons for each polymorphic type but didn't get around to it. I also pulled these out of the LLB but admittedly that was just so it was easier to work on, on disk. 1D to 2D Array.zip 2D to 1D Array.zip
    1 point
  6. Thanks. I downloaded it and got the password from the autor. It works fine.
    1 point
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