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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Programmer Encouragement Specialist Please consider me for the position "code monkey"
    1 point
  2. The problem is you can't. The article mentions the post has been withdrawn, and no link was provided to apply. Too bad, cause I'm a handsome fella, don't let the X-Ray fool you.
    1 point
  3. Wow that is impressive. But like you said I would be equally impressed with it if I could download it. But of course then there is less control, and they'd likely charge for it. Today they don't mind making it free because if they want to charge for it then they will and all users will be forced to pay. If they allowed you to download it version 1.0 could be free and version 2.0 could be paid. But then users would just continue to use version 1.0 until there was a good reason to upgrade. I could see this business model working well no wonder companies are considering cloud based applications more. Oh and my favorite piece of software I wish I could download is the Infinite Jukebox. Ever get a song in your head you couldn't get out? Try listening it for hours with no obvious start or end.
    1 point
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