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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2015 in all areas

  1. My tuppence. None work great. This comes up at least once a year and always ends the same. SVN externals work OK. (My preference) Git submodules work, sort of. (Git is too complicated for me). Checkout in a single directory tree so LV uses relative paths to find sub VIs. The enemy is linking and re-linking which has never been resolved but .is better than it used to be. Resign yourself to just using text based SCC as binary backup system that you can quickly do a restore or branch and life is good. LabVIEW has always needed its own SCC system but NI have little interest in providing one. We cope at best but usually suffer.
    2 points
  2. You can also treat the core Actor’s Front Panel as the “debug†UI, since it is easy to add a lot of indicators. Personally, I usually have a lot of actors that are MVC-in-one-actor for their own part of the application. So ‘temperature control’ actor probably has control/view of the SetPoint, PID and other parameters, and can be inserted into a subpanel in the main app. Then additional Views or Control can come from elsewhere (a summary screen of many temperature controllers, say) but these VC tend to deal with smaller subsets of “Model†(such as just the SetPoint).
    1 point
  3. Here is a document that my local NI rep sent. Author: Gerardo Garcia x32773 Last updated: 10/10/05 Note: this document is a work in progress. You can find a link to the latest version of this document here. General Questions 1. What is a LabVIEW Shared Variable?The LabVIEW shared variable is a new feature in LabVIEW 8 for sharing data between VIs and networked computers. The API is similar to a local or global variable; however it has many additional features such as network buffering. 2. When should I recommend using shared variables to customers? NI recommends using shared variables for most applications that need to share and monitor data across the network. As a general rule of thumb, we will recommend shared variables for most applications. Shared variables are not recommended in medium to fast streaming applications, such as vibration monitoring, etc. In these cases, low-level TCP or UDP functions will provide faster communication. See the performance section of the FAQ for more information. 3. How does the shared variable work? The shared variable uses different methods to communicate depending on the shared variable configuration settings. When a shared variable node is placed on the block diagram, LabVIEW scripts the corresponding communication code in the background. 4. Can users see the code behind the shared variable? No.5. What are the different types of shared variables? There are three types of shared variables: 1. Single-process 2. Network-published 3. Time-triggered The type of variable is designated through a setting in variable properties dialog. 6. What is a single-process shared variable and how does it work?Single-process shared variables behave much like global variables and will have similar performance. They are used to transfer data between VIs or loops on a single computing device. There are two advantages that single-process shared variables have over global variables:
    1 point
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