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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2016 in all areas

  1. I put together a series of articles while working on an AF 101 presentation for our local CLD summit. Check them out and let me know what you think or if you have any questions/improvements. Part 1 – The Background Part 2 – The Actor Part 3 – Launching and Communicating Part 4 – Being Productive With Actors Basic Walkthrough – Creating a Logger
    1 point
  2. Just playing around, you can simplify the INSERTs by using an INSTEAD OF trigger on the View: CREATE TRIGGER NewValue INSTEAD OF INSERT ON OrderedBuffer FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Buffer (rowID, Value) Values ((SELECT I FROM BufferIndex),NEW.Value); END; Then you can insert into the View with a simpler statement that avoids referring to the index at all: INSERT INTO OrderedBuffer (Value) Values (time('now'))
    1 point
  3. Here is an illustration of what Thoric is discussing. Calling code starts two actors: an “Instrument" actor that is publishing a “Readingâ€, and a “Furnace†actor that expects to receive “Furnace Temperature†messages. If the two messages both use the same data format (a numeric in Kelvin, say) then we use the code on the left to connect the two actors directly. We configure the messages to be relabelled with the “Translate†polymorphic VI. Looking inside that API call we see that we are providing a “Translator†child class to actually do the relabelling. However, if Instrument publishes its “Reading†as Kelvin, but the Furnace expects “Furnace Temperature†to be in Fahrenheit (horror!) then we can supply a custom child Translator class. This class only needs one method, an override of “Translate.vi†(shown), which adapts the messages to the form required by Furnace. We provide this as a second translator as shown in the code at right. [Opps: just noticed I misnamed the Translator child class as degF to Kelvin when it is really Kelvin to degF]
    1 point
  4. I promise I haven't been working on this for over a year. I just got some new information from someone, on ways to get around the licensing limitation using native LabVIEW code. I believe I have a proper modern XNode Editor, that will create an XNode, or open an existing one, then allow you to add new abilities. These abilities are enumerated from LabVIEW, and if new ones are added, the list should show them. This means it is not version dependent, and shouldn't need updating, just to add new abilities. It also has a way to change the version, XNode library icon, and description just like the XNode Manager mentioned before. I haven't fully tested it, but it appears to do what it should. I back saved it to 2012 but I don't have 2012 to test with. New XNode Editor 2012.zip
    1 point
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