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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2016 in all areas

  1. Software is like a fart. Yours is OK but everyone elses stinks.
    3 points
  2. Name: Mandelbrot Explorer Submitter: CopperD Submitted: 15 Feb 2016 Category: *Uncertified* LabVIEW Version: Not ApplicableLicense Type: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Simple Mandelbrot explorer that I wrote a few years ago. Features Many predefined color pallets Rolling color pallet to produce motion effect Ability to customize the color pallet Log color mapping Keyboard or mouse control Basic shortcut keys Saving high res images Needed improvements Clustering to clean up code more Save settings Operation Load project in LabVIEW 2015 32/64 bit Start program using Mandelbrot Main.vi Click here to download this file Did I miss something then I uploaded the UI image? It is clipped along the right edge. Also no selection for LV version above 2012. I rather not clutter my home machine with several versions. If needed I can spin up a VM and save for prior versions. The code is rather basic so should work going pretty far back. I think I originally did this in 2012 or 2011.
    1 point
  3. Okay fine, let me try this again. Those that I've spoken to on the subject find my implementation cleaner and easier to follow. If your opinion does not align with that statement then you are dumb. That being said my implementation could benefit from some classes for sure, and I looked into once but never finished the re-write. Oh and there are some CLNs that could simplify my code too, rather than parsing blocks manually.
    1 point
  4. Sweet. Looks like some nice little projects there. I too have a shedload of 1/2 finished projects. It took me, probably 10 years before I published one of them. I productionised a couple and gave a few away as freeware (you'll see them on my site an on here in the CR) and still I have about 30 that I use but have never published. That last 10% is 50% of the work Your ASCII art one looks interesting. I've been looking at visualising encryption keys and SSH has an ASCII art one so I'd like to play with that a bit. OTF compiler for encryption? Please! That's polymorphic virus country and you know it Looking forward to that one too Pure LabVIEW graphics sounds cool. The LabVIEW picture control, like most LabVIEW UI, is decades old so I'm looking forward to comparing with the Bitman library as well as the picture control. You might want to consider putting them in the CR so that versioning and updates are easier. Posting products in threads gets real messy, real quick and you always end up with support issues for outaded posts because they found them on search engines. You can put them in the uncertified to begin with then get them moved to the certified sections when you are happy with them.
    1 point
  5. I took this QR Code example and modified it with the SQLite API for LabVIEW for a database to make a simple example. You will need to decide on the database you will want to use (SQLite, MSSQL,MYSQL, Access etc) but it demonstrates the how and the way forward. QR Reader.vi
    1 point
  6. Ooooh. Now I want to know if speedy has the overflow or fixed behaviour
    1 point
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