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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2016 in all areas

  1. Hi, I am quite familiar with different design pattern on LabVIEW but I am a newbie on FPGA design. I start working on a project for my own hobby using myRIO to control motor speed with PWM and read back encoder. This is the first part of my project and I plan to expand more later. This project will help me to get use to FPGA too. I am trying to learn a good design pattern by follow the template project which is "LabVIEW FPGA control on Compact RIO". In this template project, feedback value and control signal are analog channels and they connect directly with PID module in FPGA in a normal while loop. The configuration are sent from host. In my prototype project, I already built FPGA module to drive PWM and read encoder using single-cycle time loop. I plan to use PID in real time code. If I want to follow the template design, I have to change the way I implement the code for FPGA and Real-Time. So right now, I am not sure what is a good design I should follow. If you have any advice, I will highly appreciate. Thank you very much!
    1 point
  2. And a couple of other complaints about the unread content list: I would prefer a date and time on the last activity (although that's not really all that critical) and I thought I could ignore those separators, but when they start adding things by hour and today and yesterday it really gets annoying. Edit: for comparison, here's the same page after adding the rule lavag.org##li.ipsStreamItem_time (which blocks these elements) to my adblocker:
    1 point
  3. Not sure if this helps, but hooovahh secretly explained the XNode editor on YouTube (I recommend watching the entire video btw ): It is closely followed by a quick introduction to the Variant Repository https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2En7yMANi8&feature=youtu.be&t=34m44s Wow, new Lava embeds videos now
    1 point
  4. There's also a condensed view, if you click the little icon. Perhaps that's better for you. It's also live updating which is nice. So you can leave it open and don't have to click refresh.
    1 point
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