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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2016 in all areas

  1. I want to let LAVA know about a feature of LV 2016 that may not get much press. The In-Place Element structure has a new pair of border nodes to let you access the attributes of a variant without copying them out of the variant. This will VASTLY improve the performance of tools that use variant attributes as lookup tables. I strongly encourage everyone who works on this to look at the shipping example: labview\examples\Performance\Variant Attribute Lookup Table\
    1 point
  2. LAVA has won an NI award for LUGnuts at NI Week, the largest independent online user group. Thank you everyone for making the online community something to be proud of.
    1 point
  3. You only want to pass around the events themselves, not the registration refnums. You should register the very last thing before you get to the event structure and unregister the very first thing after the event structure. Otherwise you have this queue floating in the ether that isn't being read from. I personally make a "create" function for any process which generates a cluster of input events and a "subscribe" function which takes any clusters from any other processes and copies the events into a local 'state' cluster. That is, I move the events around only during initialization. This probably doesn't work well for something more dynamic, but...
    1 point
  4. Yep, register for events is basically "create receive queue" while create user even is "create send queue". To clarify my point, it was more to say that while labview has a bunch of different communication mechanisms, I'd just pick one. User events are nice, you can find a decent number of threads after the improvements in 2013 where people say they've totally switched from queues, and I've done that on a few programs so far as well. So in general my suggestion would be to either change the user events out entirely for queues, or change the queues out entirely for events. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with also using a stop message for the polling loop, for something simple like that I have zero objection to globals or locals. That loop is obviously not something you ever plan to reuse, so worrying that its tightly coupled to a global variable is...well not worth worrying about. That having been said, if you have a global stop event it does make things cleaner to use it.
    1 point
  5. I would in general prefer to use the event to every loop. For example you have a QMH and en event structure -- I would pick one. The issue with the global is now every function is coupled to that one instance of the stop global. Using an event (or a queue message or a notifier) means you can pass in any queue or event. Is it a big deal? No, I'm just saying what I'd prefer. The other issue with the global rather than a queue, notifier, or event is that the global is sort of implied to be an abort rather than a request to stop. The natural implementation is what you have in your polling loop -- wire the global directly to the stop. For the polling loop thats not a big deal, but for a more complex situation (talking to an FPGA for example) maybe you want to step through a few states first before you actually exit, which means you need to either (a) put all that logic outside of the loop you just aborted with the global or (b) check the state of the global, than trigger some internal state change which eventually stops the loop.
    1 point
  6. yes, it's true the two are in different frame of reference... but thanks god my physics degree wasn't completely useless in the end and I make it! In the attached VI you just need to provide the two abscissa values (left and right) where you want to have the background color. Thanks mgunning for your input! Area On Plots.vi
    1 point
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