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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. I wasn't criticizing, just saying that with what I know now, today, I find it hard to even think about how you would use an FGV for this type of application. My thought process immediately goes a different direction. Edit: Without interjecting myself too much into the other conversation, I don't really care if FGVs are by ref or not, they are often used for the same purpose as a DVR or single element queue but have a number of disadvantages for readability and reasoning about state vs the DVR. DVR's core disadvantage is that the syntax seems to have been designed by someone who really doesn't want people to use DVRs, while FGV syntax is much more developer-friendly.
    1 point
  3. I think the main point Smithd was making is that the current thinking about replacing AEs is to use DVRs but with messaging architectures, global storage is handled differently requiring neither. You have, however, restricted your options by insisting that you don't want to use by-ref solutions (although I think you and a few others , maybe misunderstand what that exactly is since AEs are not by-ref)
    1 point
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