Version 2.1.7
Advanced messaging made simple!
Messenger Library is a library for message passing using a variety of powerful Messaging Patterns, and a set of Templates for easily creating parallel modules to interact with those Patterns. Together, these comprise a powerful and deep framework for rapid application development.
Communication patterns supported and other features include:
-- Request-and-wait-for-Reply
-- Asynchronous Request-Reply, where the reply is sent to a "reply address" attached to the request
-- Scatter-Gather: Requests sent to multiple addresses, with all Replies gathered together in order
-- Register-Notify, where one process sends a registration message to another in order to subscribe to published messages.
-- Future Token, a reference to a future Reply not yet made
-- Asynchronous Dialog: query the User without blocking (User's response sent as a message)
-- Delayed Request: message sent with a set asynchronous delay
-- Metronome, a source of precisely-timed periodic messages
-- Timeout Watchdog: trigger an action if something expected doesn't happen
Freely intermix communication by Queues, User Events or Notifiers.
First-class support for TCP communication, allowing easy interaction of multiple executables using any of the Messaging Patterns. Also supports UDP, including multicast.
Module Templates are simple, consisting of a single VI and a single loop, and are robust against race conditions (unlike the more complex "Producer Consumer" NI templates)
Includes two utilities under the menu "Tools>>Messenger Library":
-- a utility to create a new parallel modules from a set of well-tested templates
-- a Manager utility to see all running Modules
Multiple Examples are included. Of particular interest are:
-- An example developed over a series of YouTube videos (linked below)
-- A redo of the standard "Continuous Measurement and Logging" Example using Messenger Library
-- TCP Reconnecting Example, showing easy network communication with handling of temporary disconnects
Note: Messenger Library is intended to promote actor-oriented design, but is not related to the Actor Framework.
***Introductory Videos are on a YouTube channel.***
***A great summary of many Messenger Library sources, provided by Bob W Edwards***
JDP Science Tools group on
Original conversation on this work is here.
Now hosted on the LabVIEW Tools Network (but note that the latest version will often be on LAVA)