Quite a lot of things wrong indeed.
In the first you use Variant to Flatten to flatten the binary string that you read from the file into a Flatten data. But a Binary string is already flattened, turning it into a variant and then flattening it again is not only unnecessary but is synonym to forcing a square peg into a round one in order to force it through a triangle hole.
I'm not familiar with this implementation of the SQL Lite Library but the BLOB data seems to be a binary string already so I would assume that connecting the wire from the read file directly would be the best option. Personally I would have made the BLOB function only accept a Byte Array as that is more what a Blob normally is. In that case the String to Byte Array would be the right choice to use for converting the File Contents binary string into the Byte Array.
The second attempt is not flattening the JPEG binary content but the LabVIEW proprietary Pixmap format. This is uncompressed and likely 32 bits in nature so a decent sized JPEG image gets suddenly 6 to 10 times as large in this format. You could write that as blob into the database but the only client who can do anything with that blob without reverse engineering the LabVIEW pixamp format (which is not really difficult since it is simply a cluster with various elements inside but still quite some work to redo in a different programming language) is a LabVIEW program that reads this data and turns it back into the LabVIEW Pixmap format and then uses it.
In the third you take a LabVIEW waveform and flatten that. A LabVIEW waveform is also a LabVIEW proprietary binary data format. The pure data contents wouldn't be that difficult to extract from that stream but a LabVIEW waveform also can contain attributes and that makes the format pretty complicated if they are present (and to my knowledge NI doesn't really document this format on binary level).
The first is a clear error, the other two might be ok if you never intend to use anything else than a LabVIEW written program to retrieve and interpret the data.