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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2018 in all areas

  1. Wow, those LAVA cats really worked overtime. Looks like the site is back up and working. Let me know if you notice anything strange. Thanks for your patience! I just noticed we now hav a leaderboard. Cool.
    3 points
  2. Hey LAVAmaniacs! It's been a while since I poked at the LAVA server. There seems to be a lot cobwebs and dust in the server room. The LAVA software hasn't been updated in a couple years. That's way too long. I'm going to jump in and see what I can do about upgrading the LAVA back-end to the latest and greatest. This will fix many issues. Last time I tried this, it failed and I had to revert back. I didn't plan on it failing and didn't allocate time for getting tech support from Invision. This time I'm planning for the upgrade to fail and then getting Invision support involved. This means the site might be offline for a few days beyond the weekend. Sorry, but it's a small pain we have to go through for long-term stability and security. Don't worry though. This time I have a crack team to help me out:
    1 point
  3. Update just for the record - a number of phone calls to the representatives, "so explain me again what error do you get" "Did you read my email?? When do I get an updated firmware?" I got this new firmware, whose release note spells Fixed Problems -------------- - some improvements in Ethernet communication and the problem disappeared...
    1 point
  4. This is how I clear errors.
    1 point
  5. Since there's interest, I'll post a more up to date library I've been working with for the last few years, ported back to LV9. This library focuses on producing version 1 timestamp based GUIDs and is incapable of producing the same GUID twice assuming OS clock settings are not fiddled with. The caveat being if you somehow manage to run out of GUIDs for a given timestamp, the VI will yield to obtain a new timestamp, so this method can't be used in FPGA applications. It also fixes a subtle issue with random number generation. Note I have no idea if current hardware would even be able to exhaust GUIDs for a timestamp (it would require 16383 GUIDs to be generated within the resolution of the value returned by the LabVIEW time primitive), but suspect that if anything could, an FPGA may be able to. The non-timestamp methods have been removed-- I didn't see a use for them since there was the possibility of collision with those (however small it may be). LabVIEW.GUID LV9.zip Edit: sorry, originally posted the wrong zip. Fixed.
    1 point
  6. i want to build a display calculator which displays the floating point integers too can anyone help me thank you
    0 points
  7. While I know this topic is a bit old now, I just wanted to point you to this thread that I created a while back. The behavior you're observing is a known bug in LabVIEW that currently doesn't have a solution - just workarounds that all relies on external components ?
    0 points
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