Since there's interest, I'll post a more up to date library I've been working with for the last few years, ported back to LV9.
This library focuses on producing version 1 timestamp based GUIDs and is incapable of producing the same GUID twice assuming OS clock settings are not fiddled with. The caveat being if you somehow manage to run out of GUIDs for a given timestamp, the VI will yield to obtain a new timestamp, so this method can't be used in FPGA applications. It also fixes a subtle issue with random number generation.
Note I have no idea if current hardware would even be able to exhaust GUIDs for a timestamp (it would require 16383 GUIDs to be generated within the resolution of the value returned by the LabVIEW time primitive), but suspect that if anything could, an FPGA may be able to.
The non-timestamp methods have been removed-- I didn't see a use for them since there was the possibility of collision with those (however small it may be).
Edit: sorry, originally posted the wrong zip. Fixed.