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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2019 in all areas

  1. One possible option with a bad hardware driver is to make your actor an independent exe, using the NetworkMessenger for communication Then you can kill the entire exe and restart cleanly. I've never done that, though.
    1 point
  2. Hey folks. this year we're trying something new. All Videos for NIWeek 2019 can be found here: https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/NIWeek_2019 Feedback welcome. Thanks to @Mark Balla and other volunteers for recording the videos. Edit: We're starting to add the back catalog to YouTube. NIWeek 2018 videos are also up.
    1 point
  3. We're starting to add the back catalog to YouTube. NIWeek 2018 videos are also up.
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.0


    There it is. The complete library for the MCP2221A. I2c adapter, I/O in a single IC. I love that one. Let me know if any bug is found. I try to make that library as much convenient as possible to use. Two version available 32 bit and 64 bit. little note: to open by serial number, the enumeration need to be activated on the device first. (open by index, enable the enumeration) It needs to be done only once in the life time of the device. PLEASE do not take ownership of this work since it is not yours. You have it for free, but the credit is still mine... I spent many hours of my life to make it works.
    1 point
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