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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2019 in all areas

  1. I and the whole rest of our LabVIEW community are the ones with the vested interest in OpenG. To me, the new github location looks less like a fork and more like reviving the project. LabVIEW isn't my day job anymore, but it is still my nights-and-hobbies job, and I welcome any action that brings things back to life. For instance, I took a look at JKI's OpenG-NXG github project, and there hasn't been a commit to any branch in over a year, and not to master in 3 years.
    1 point
  2. That's most likely heavily influenced by the fact that the original Concept VI image analysis library, which they acquired from Graftec I believe, had to create some sort of handle like object without the ability to hack into LabVIEW itself. Their solution was to create a cluster with an image name string and some extra attributes including the actual pointer. They made the cluster such that only the string was visible. To a casual user it looked like it was just the name of the image but internally it consisted of a lot more. The name was used to register each handle in an internal list and each image could also be retrieved with the name only from this list when the handle had been getting invalid somehow. In hindsight it was not the ideal choice but back then (early 1990ies) LabVIEW programming was also not quite at the standard level of today. Error Clusters were not yet used throughout everything and most functions including that image library only returned an integer that could indicate an error code. External code programming in LabVIEW was entirely CIN based and refnums like they exist now in abundance only existed for file IO, and network.
    1 point
  3. As a developer working on multiple machines, I'd like to be able to save a (personal) configuration file of "IDE-improvement" style packages to install on every machine.
    1 point
  4. As a developer that works in development environment that is not internet connected I would like to be able to download packages and put them in a local repository.
    1 point
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