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  1. Check out this excellent presentation that covers a lot of the bases. https://www.studiobods.com/en/niweek2019-ts170/
    1 point
  2. In the past I've brought up issues like "You aren't listening to our feedback on the UI". And someone at NI reminded me that NXG started out very different looking. In fact (I hope I can say this) the UI actually had a ribbon interface for a alpha release or two similar to office products. NI claims they listened to our feedback and started over with the UI that contextually pops in on the right. In my opinion, I think that NI would have moved away from ribbon interfaces on their own, just because it had technical limitations, and didn't scale well. This this is an example of the users complaining a lot, and NI changing it for the better. EDIT: Oh and @Mads made a point about how much harder it is to get new customers, than retain the ones you have. I'm not a Linux or Mac user. I probably will never install LabVIEW in either of those environments. But current LabVIEW has some users that do, and zero of them would be supported in NXG. From NI's perspective, what is the effort needed to support them, and what percentage of users can migrate to Windows? I actually lost a bet (pretty badly) with Michael about this. I made a bet with him that one year after NXG 1.0 was released NI would have a Mac or Linux version. We had both been part of the Alpha/Beta of NXG and I figured they were just prioritizing Windows until a stable release.
    1 point
  3. I think you're thinking of MAX Sliding scale the project tree is not the worst thing.
    1 point
  4. Well, apart from the bug in LV8 (I think) where moving files around using the file tab would cause them to go into the wrong place on disk I am pretty happy with it! I must be an oddball. Regarding your previous comment about changing the icons in the project in NXG if you had your way... this is a bit scary. If you (yes, we really do put you on a pedestal!) cannot get traction within NI what hope is there for mere mortals like us. Thank you for your comments though (🙏), even though I sound a bit negative I genuinely appreciate the time you take to engage. I know a product the size of NXG is the result of the direction and labour for a large number of managers and developers, but I not so secretly wish more NI decision makers would comment here. I know there are other forums I could post this on which might get more involvement from NI, but I feel the general audience here on lavag represents a more accurate spread of developer skills.
    1 point
  5. I am seriously surprised scripting support (or interfaces) are given higher priority to fixing the GUI. That seems like aiming for the 1 percent use case. Probably less than 1 percent actually. Apart from the tool makers, who is honestly using scripting enough to warrant its prioritization? Put another way, is there a single medium or large application developedfrom scratch in NXG or even converted from CG NI can showcase to us to put our fears at rest? I am talking more than 20 or 30 classes, something like that.
    1 point
  6. hooovahh, we have been giving feedback for > 5 years. Nobody with any authority to direct change seems to be interested. The thing I cannot understand is this... the engineers intimately familiar with LabVIEW today are the engineering managers of tomorrow. NI is pissing off the engineers of today who are the ones signing the purchase orders of tomorrow. I never intended for this post to descend into a rant session, I am just disappointed that after so much investment by NI this is the product that has been laid on the table. There was no need to revisit change every single decision in current gen, most of the paradigms worked really well. I would literally hold captive anyone even remotely interested in LabVIEW and gush wildly over its amazingness, like a parent gushing over their favourite child. Now when people ask me about NXG I sort of blink and stare into the distance and change the conversation.
    1 point
  7. And this is another thing that makes the jump to NXG less palatable; it is like starting over.
    1 point
  8. @Aristos Queue, the problem is the GUI is everything. It does not really matter what is going on under the hood (although all us CG devs really appreciate the regular strides forward). I have yet to speak to another dev who has tried out NXG and is really excited about the majority of changes that have been made. It *really* feels as though very few actual current LabVIEW devs were consulted in the process. I am sure you will say that NI have done studies and had focus groups etc etc (which I totally believe), but to me personally the new changes suck. I have used the Digital Pattern Editor which has the same GUI framework as NXG and the MDI nature of the GUI sucks so much. All the time I need to be able to look at several different things, and MDI makes this an exercise in frustration.
    1 point
  9. I must admit I have not fully grokked all the changes with classes and types in NXG. Last time I looked it was a mess so I just left it for a while. Your screenshot makes me sad for a bunch of reasons. So much ugly grey except for the totally random bits of blue thrown in. Now, lets think about the lack of consistency here. On the top left the file icon has a blue background to show us it is selected, ok cool So in the tree view Library.gcomp is selected, but it is not blue... ok... why? The tab in the middle pane is not coloured blue to indicate it is current... ok... why? On the right we have a tab structure and the Document tab which is currently selected is highlighted... Sigh... am I the only one who sees stuff like this or am I just crazy and looking at it totally wrongly? Why are the tickboxes in the middle coloured blue? This is so random. Now, I am not a graphic designer, and I am sure that NI has done their due diligence in designing this GUI that we spend 40+ hours a week interacting with, so I will give them the benefit of the doubt (again...) but I just don't get it.
    1 point
  10. Hey LAVA friends. I'm going to be doing a live-stream on Youtube next Tuesday April 28, (10AM Pacific) to go over LabVIEW Community Edition. I'd love to see you guys there. It'll be interactive with chat for your questions, and I will be making an attempt to talk to a Raspberry Pi and Arduino. If you're curious about low-cost hardware or just want to find out what's new in the latest LabVIEW. Join me here: https://youtu.be/4HLVqYXpxIo. Edit: If any of you have done any projects with the supported hardware. Let me know and I can mention you or pull you into the discussion. - Thanks.
    1 point
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