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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2021 in all areas

  1. I am just starting on trying to be able to use Python code from a LabVIEW application (mostly for some image analysis stuff). This is for a large project where some programmers are more comfortable developing in Python than LabVIEW. I have not done any Python before, and their seem to be a bewildering array of options; many IDE's, Libraries, and Python-LabVIEW connectors. So I was wondering if people who have been using Python with LabVIEW can give their experiences and describe what set of technologies they use.
    2 points
  2. My tuppence ... choose one, LabVIEW or Python. You can create services which interact through TCPIP or REST API's but keep them separate. If you have 20 python devs and one or two LabVIEW developers then you are on a hiding to nothing. Python won the war a long time ago and it's time to learn Python. Not the answer you were probably looking for but you'll end up mostly doing IT and configuration trying to get your LabVIEW python stuff to work anywhere except your dev machine.
    0 points
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