I was wondering about that too. But then the scrollbars in the image he posted seem to indicate that that VI is actually properly inserted and the Insert VI method doesn't seem to return an error either. With the limited information that he tends to give and the limited LabVIEW knowledge he seems to have, it is all very difficult to debug remotely though. And it is not my job to do really.
Edit: I'll be damned! A VI inserted into a Subpanel does not have a window handle at all. I thought I had tested that but somehow got apparently misled in some ways. LabVIEW seems to handle that all internally without using any Windows support for that. So back to the drawing board to make that not a Subpanel window but instead using real Windows Child window functionality. I don't like to use the main VIs front panel as the drawing canvas as the library would draw all over the front panel and fighting LabVIEWs control and indicator redraws.
As to the NET_DVR_GetErrorMessage() call I overlooked that one. Good catch and totally unexpected! It seems that the GetLastError() call is redundant when calling this function as GetErrorMessage() is not just a function to translate an error code but really a full replacement for GetLastError(). Highly unusual to say the least but you get that for reading the documentation not to the last letter. 😆
It's hard to debug such a software without having any hardware to test with, so the whole library that I posted is in fact a dry exercise that never has run in any way as there is nothing it can really run with on my system. Same about the Callback code. I tested that it compiles (with my old but trusted VS2005 installation) but I can not test that it runs properly. Well I could but that would require to write even more C code to create a test harness that would simulate the Hikvision SDK functionality. I like to tinker with this kind of problems but everything has its limits when it is just a hack job in my free time.😀
Attached is a revisited version of the library with the error Vi fixed and it does not use a SubPanel for now but simply lets the Empty.vi stand on its own for the moment. Quick and dirty but we can worry about getting that properly embedded in the main VI after it has proven to work like this.
HKNetSDK Interface.zip