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  1. For future reference: https://download.ni.com/#support/daq/pc/ni-daq/daqmx/ It appears they moved their old ftp server to that site.
    2 points
  2. I haven't looked at MQTT but this kind of ID is usually only really used to match responses to the request and/or verify that you got the right response. It should not contain any crypto relevant value, so I would not expect it to matter. More important would be that you can reasonably guarantee that your random generator never will result in the same ID being returned within a small time window, as that makes the whole purpose of being able to match the response to the request pretty difficult. In that sense a monotonically increasing ID that eventually wraps around is actually more useful than a true random ID. Usually the client generates the ID and sends it with the request. The server simply copies it into the response without doing anything else. The client can then verify that the received response is actually for the sent out request and not some other stray request. In a connection based protocol using TCP/IP, this is usually kind of superfluous but for UDP or serial port communication it can be useful.
    1 point
  3. What are your respective experiences with Python and LabVIEW? It seems that you are more proficient in the former than in the latter. If so, looking at built-in examples might help (Help>>FInd Examples). Answer 1: the way the Python node is designed requires a function to call in your script. You can have several functions in a script, but you would have to call the Python node repeatedly, one function call at a time, or those functions would have to call each other within the script. Not that this is what you are asking for, but that might clarify the node's intent. Your first snapshot doesn't show any node output. If you want to get something back into LabVIEW, that is missing. If I understand what you are trying to do, you would want your Python function to return something like an array containing your image. Answer 2: the easiest way would be to use a Picture control to display the image array returned by the Python node. More expensive (the toolkit is not free) would be to use the Vision Development Module, which in addition to a more advanced control, would offer a number of utilities to manipulate the image. HTH
    1 point
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